Her eyes were worried too, no longer blown with lust and need, but replaced by love and care.

I smiled as I realized how much I meant to her in this moment. She was really worried about me.

"I'll go get someone from the medical wing." She said before going to stand. I grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"No stay. Seriously I'm fine. I just needed a minute." I reassured her with my signature cocky smile. She smiled back and I groaned as I stretched out my tight limbs. My muscles loosened a little painfully but I still managed to sit up and try and stand.

Nat held onto me firmly until I was up and was stable. She held my waist still just to be sure and I shut my eyes until my head stopped spinning.

"How do you feel?" She asked. "I'm fine for now. Just a little sore." I answered and she frowned. "Why don't we go to the med wing just to be sure?" She asked and I nodded.

"Fine. But only because you're so cute." She pouted. "I'm not cute." She murmured as she blushed. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, pulling a grin onto her lips.

She held onto me the whole way there. A few times my muscles cramped up and I had to limp for a few steps but other than that I made it ok.

The nurse there told me I would likely be fine, being an Avenger and hero I had a few biological enhancements making me more resilient than the average person.

She said I should just rest for a day or two and let my  nervous system and muscles relax and recover. I thanked her as she set up a machine that would check on my vitals.

As I laid in the small hospital bed, Nat leaned against a wall and watched me with a sad smile on her face, her arms crossed protectively over her chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she just shrugged. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I feel bad." She murmured.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's fine really! I'm ok. And you didn't mean it. I mean maybe you did but that's a little kinky, even for you." I added teasingly and she scoffed as she blushed.

"Shut up." She giggled and I laughed.

"There you guys are! I heard commotion in your room but then you weren't there. Is everything all right?" Steve asked as he walked into the room.

Nat nodded at him in greeting and I gave a small wave, an awkward smile on my face.

"Everything's fine. Just a little accident." I explained and he furrowed his brow.

"What happened? You guys weren't even training?" Steve asked still confused. At this point we had caught Tony's attention as he also walked into the room and stood behind Steve.

"Y/n what the hell happened to you?" He asked puzzled.

Nat laughed as she looked at me. "I just got zapped by Nat's Widow's Bite it's not a big deal." I said throwing my hands up. I felt tense with all the attention I was getting.

"It is a big deal. Those things are powerful." Steve said turning to Nat. "Right?" He asked and Nat nodded.

"Yeah but she's fine. She's basically super human." Nat reassured Steve.

Tony quirked an eyebrow as he scanned the room with his eyes. He smirked at me and I felt my mouth go dry.

"What were you doing messing with them anyway? You both know they're dangerous." He asked and Nat looked at me.

I gulped. "I was just looking at them. I thought they were cool and I touched them and they zapped me." I explained, trying to lie even though I was terrible at it.

"Uh huh." Tony said unconvinced. "That's not what Nat's neck is telling me." He teased and Nat blushed as she rubbed her neck and brushed her hair over it.

"Drop it Tony." Nat pleaded and Tony laughed. "Next time don't forget to turn them off Natalie. Or at least turn them down." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. Tony gave me a smile and wink before turning to pat Steve's shoulder.

"Come on big guy. Clearly they're fine." He said as he began leading Steve out.

"Wait I don't get it. What was on Natasha's neck and why did Y/n get shocked?" Steve whispered quietly. Tony cringed. "I'll tell you when you're older."

Nat sighed and turned to me. "God that was awkward." She mumbled as she came and laid in the bed with me. Cuddling into my side. I smiled as I wrapped an arm around her and played with her hair.

"Painfully. But at least we're ok." I said and she hummed. "Sorry I kinda killed the mood." She whispered and I smiled. "I feel like you're disappointed."

"No it's fine. Really. And I honestly think we both needed some rest anyway." I said honestly before kissing her forehead. She scrunched up her face and chuckled.

"I think you're right." She sighed before cuddling closer and closing her eyes. I smiled contently as I shut my eyes too.

"I love you." I murmured. My only response was a light snore.

AN idk how I feel about this. I think is was kinda a good concept but lmk if it turned out ok. As anyways vote and leave suggestions! I love you guys 💕

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