-Chapter 1-

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It was around 4:45pm on a bright Saturday.

The boys and girls of class 1-A were out having fun in the pool. All of them were there, except for one.

Katsuki Bakugou.

They didn't know it yet, but Bakugou didn't show up at the pool because he didn't want to wear those swim shorts all the boys have to wear. Why? Because he wasn't exactly a boy. He was born a girl, but has identified as a boy since he was around twelve to thirteen. So he didn't want to show his female chest to his classmates, who he was afraid of coming out to.

He sat on the bed in his dorm, waiting for the day to pass by. He did this a lot, just so he could have some time with his thoughts. He thought about a lot of things when he did this, usually things that troubled him the most. He didn't want to admit or show it, especially to his classmates, but he had a lot of pain buried deep inside him that he didn't want to show. He didn't want to look vulnerable or weak, because a hero is never like that. Heroes are strong and powerful, not pathetic little weaklings. Besides, even if he did show people this side of him, they'd probably just look down on him and think he's weak. That was the last thing he wanted to be seen as.

At that moment Bakugou had one thing in his mind: his gender.
He often thought about he he wasn't really a boy from the start. When he was born he was Kireina Bakugou, a little girl with long blonde hair and a beautiful face. Even as a boy he still looked like a girl. From his face to his body. His chest was bigger than not boy's and his waist wasn't square-like and boxy, more slim and feminine. His face wasn't like other boy's faces. Most boys had a bigger chin and face shape, like his body his face was more lady-like, and he had long lashes.

It was almost obvious that he was a girl, but everyone around him was too used to being around straight, cisgender people that even if all the signs were there, they wouldn't even consider the fact that the Bakugou they knew wasn't entirely what he said he was.

He sighed, standing up and looking in the mirror. After taking off his shirt he looked at his binder. It was tight and uncomfortable, since it was the cheapest one he could find. Even while wearing it, his chest was still a little big, but at least not as big as it was without the binder.

"Goddamnit." He whispered to himself, trying to fix it so his chest wasn't as big. He gave up, flopping down on his bed and sighing. "Whatever. It's not like anyone will know any time soon."

Some people feel the need to come out to others so there's no secrecy between them. Bakugou wasn't like that. His plan was to keep this a secret until its absolutely necessary to tell someone. And by "absolutely necessary" he means a matter of life or death. If no lives were in danger, he wouldn't let anyone know. That was his plan. And he wasn't going to get off that plan any time soon.

At least he didn't expect to.

Meanwhile, one of his classmates, Midoriya had just finished changing to normal clothes and was about to go back to the dorms to study. "Hey, Midoriya!" Denki called. "Can you go over to Bakubro and check if he's alright?" The whole squad was used to Bakugou not wanting to join in when they swim, but something about the way he acted today was a little off. He looked uncomfortable, like something felt really tight on his body. Especially during training, it was like his actions were limited. Like something on his body hurt. When his friends asked about it, he just brushed it off and changed the subject.

"Oh, sure, Kaminari! I was worried about him too." The boys said their goodbyes and Midoriya walked into the empty dorms. He went up the elevator and stood in front of Bakugou's room. He wanted to knock, but he figured that if Bakugou wasn't feeling well, he wouldn't have the energy now to get up and open the door for him. And if he saw Midoriya, he probably won't even tell him what's bugging him. So it's best to just surprise him. The door was unlocked, so he went in.

"Kacchan, are you-" he said as he came in, only to stop when he saw what was in front or him. His friend, who he thought for months was a boy, was standing in front of a mirror, wearing what looked like a really tight black bra.

"What the-the fuck are you doing here, Deku?!"

Bakugou's voice didn't sound the same. It was lighter, softer and more like a girl's. Not a little girl's, more like a teenage girl's.

"K-Kacchan, what's that?" Midoriya asked.
"Get the fu-" Bakugou noticed the change in his voice and tried to put on his usual, fake boy voice. "Get the fuck out!"
"Is that a bandage? Are you wounded?" Midoriya asked.

Bakugou was way too tired from school to argue at this point. Now he just sighed and looked at the boy, then sat on his bed, speaking in his normal voice. "Don't act like you don't know, idiot."
"I'm telling the truth, I really don't know!" Midoriya said.
"Huh. So you really don't know what this is?" He asked, pointing at his binder."
"I really don't. Is it some kind of sports bra boys have to wear?"
"No, dummy. It's a binder."
"Binder? What's it for?"
"It's what girls wear when they wanna look like a boy."
"Wait, so you're a-"
"Yes, stupid. I'm a girl. Well, I was born one anyway."

Midoriya stood there, shocked.
"Y...you're a girl?"
"Yes, stupid. Honestly I don't get how you didn't find out sooner."
"So that's why you look so....different...and your voice too...and why you never swam with us...."

Bakugou looked at his classmate. He sighed.
"Just....I...ugh, whatever!" He was too angry and tired to say anything.
"Just get out, okay?"

Bakugou didn't get the sudden but clever change in his nickname, it was said verbally after all. All he could focus on now were the tears that dripped down his face as the door closed.

"Goddamnit..." He whispered to himself.

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