Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- The dorms

I sigh looking at the big building in front of me that I know as the Shiratorizawa girl's Dormitory. I walk inside and start looking for the door number that I've been assigned.
" Dorm 361" I whisper to myself, continuing to search the seemingly never ending halls.

"357, 358, 359, 360.....There 361." I take out the room key fumbling with it slightly before entering the room. For a high school dorm it's quite large. There's 2 beds on either side of the room leaving a giant space in the very middle. On each side of the room there was a desk, a closet, and a drawer.
The left side of the room is already decorated with fairy lights and plants and there's a short, about 5,2 girl, hanging her clothes. Her Long black hair sways as she abruptly turns towards me with a stunned look on her face.

I clear my throat and prepare my best Japanese accent. "Hello I'm Yui Iida and I'm guessing that we are roommates this year," I say with a slight smile. Her face relaxes and her eyebrows furrow tilting her head to the side a hanger still in her hands.
"Are you American?" She questions looking me up and down. I blush and look at her with wide eyes. "Sorry it's just that you don't have a Japanese accent, and you said your first name before your last. Also you have some non Japanese features,"she continues.
Am I that obvious
"Yes I am American, only half though. I lived there since I was 5 and just recently moved back," I explain moving a strand of my hair away from my face. This time her eyes widen and she drops her hanger and rushes over to me.

"THAT IS SO COOL!" she exclaims and puts her hands on my shoulders slightly shaking me.
Well that's an attitude change.
"How's America? Is your mom or dad Japanese? How come your Japanese is so good? Why did you move here America is literally the coolest!" she asks while she shakes me more and more each question.

One good thing to know about me is that I HATE being touched. I absolutely despise it. I hardly let my own mother hug me let alone a random stranger that I just met. This girls weird I need to get her off me now.

I grab her hands from her shoulders and push them back to her before answering her questions.
"America is fine, wouldn't say great though. My dad is Japanese. My dad made sure I was fluent and he talked to me and my brother in Japanese since we we learned how to talk. And I moved here beside my mother recently died and my dad wanted to be back home."

She looks excited throughout my entire speech until the end when I talked about my mother's death. Then her faces turns into a sad one and I internally roll my eyes and wait for the pity party I was about to witness.

Instead she returned her excited and playful look and smiled at me before pulling me into a hug. Ugh again with the touching. I thought it was obvious that I don't like it. She pulled away with her arms on my shoulders yet again.
"Well i'm sure we will have lots of fun together roomie!" she exclaims with a smile so bright it almost blinded me.

Oh. That was weird. Usually when people hear that someone is dead the say things like "I'm so sorry for your lose!" or "They're in a better place now!" This girl was either a sociopath or just a complete optimist.

I decide to not be my usual snarky self and try to say something a normal non judgemental person would say. "I'm sure we will too," I say with a slight smile on my face. "Would you mind maybe not touching me though? Sorry I just don't really like being physical with people." I say, laughing awkwardly to try and seem less cold. I hope I didn't come across too bitchy.

She quickly retracts her arms back to herself  with a harsh blush on her face. "Ah! Gomen, gomen Iida-san! I'm kinda touchy and i forget some people aren't comfortable being touched. Forgive me!" She says bowing slightly.

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