The Wyld Stallyon (Bill Imagine)

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I sat on my bed, doodling away in my notebook when my door burst open. My adorable boyfriend Bill stood in my doorway. He was hunched over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. I smiled as his blonde curls bounced on his head as he threw himself across my bed. When he finally was able to breathe again, he plopped himself up and his signature grin was glowing across his face. "(y/n), I had the most excellent idea." he said, sitting on his knees. I looked back down at my doodling "So you ran all the way here?" Bill lifted my chin up so I was looking into his baby blue eyes. "I have a proposition for you" I closed my book so I could give him my full attention. "I'm listening" "So how would you like to do a bodacious art project for me?" "What do you need fixed, Billy?" I asked, knowing that whenever he said "art project", it meant that he wanted me to spice up some of his old clothes. He pulled an old gray sweatshirt from behind his back. I took it in my hands and felt the soft fabric on the inside. "What's so wrong with this?" Bill placed himself next to me on my bed and propped himself up on his hands behind my back. "There's nothing to like about it. Nothing about it says Bill S Preston Esquire." he said, trying to emphasize his name to make it sound so grand. "So what do you want me to do with it?" He looked at me and I felt my heart skip a beat. "I want you to do what you always do. Give it flare. Make it savory." "And what is my payment for this project because you still owe me for last time?" I asked. "I take you to see a re-run of Grease at the drive-in and then I take you to the Circle K for slushies." As soon as he said slushies, my mind screamed yes but I wasn't about to give in that easily. "What kind of slushies?" I asked, slightly leaning into him. "Blue raspberry of course." Bill closed the space between us in a short kiss (if you don't like blue raspberry slushies, you can change it. I just said it because it's my personal favorite). "Fine" I said, rolling my eyes once we pulled away. Bill's face lit up and he peppered my face with kisses. I giggled and pushed his chest so he would actually give me room to work. "You are the best, (y/n)! I honestly can't believe that a bodacious babe like you is my girlfriend." Bill said, running the back of his hand along my cheek. I looked down at my lap, trying to hide the blush painting itself on my face. "I know. I am pretty great." I winked at him and laid the sweatshirt across my bed, ready to get started. Bill plopped himself on the floor and began to look through my old vinyls. In about a half hour, I had already cut the sleeves and bottom of the t-shirt of so it would expose the lower part of his stomach. I complimented it with a cut along the rib area. Now, the finishing touch. I had flipped the sweatshirt inside out and was drawing a horse on the shoulder. But not just any horse, no, the wild stallion himself. I finished coloring the mane and sat back to admire my work. It looked great to me but it was what Bill thought that was most important. The shirt did have to scream Bill S Preston Esquire. "Done!" I announced, getting his attention. He jumped from his seated position on the floor and stared at the shirt laid out on the bed. He didn't speak. Instead, he just gaped at it. This wasn't helping my confidence. "What's wrong?" I said after a few moments of silence. I twiddled with my hands nervously as he picked up the shirt to look at it closer. Bill turned to me and my heart stopped. "It's...AMAZING!!" He dropped the shirt so that he could pick me up and spin me around. My heart didn't have time to comprehend what was happening so it stood dead still in its place. Did I mention I couldn't breathe? Bill set me down, grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. He quickly pulled away to admire the t-shirt again. "It's absolutely perfect. It's so me. And the stallion on the back is most excellent. Are you psychic or something because you read my mind?" All I could was smile at how excited he was. This definitely wasn't the reaction I was expecting. "I love you" My heart started beating at a million miles per hour. We had never said the three magic words to each other. I could tell Bill was taken aback by his own words. We simply stared at one another, as if we were both scared that speaking would cause everything to fall apart. He was the first to speak. "I don't know if you feel the same way but I really do love you." he said, slightly hanging his head. I couldn't bring myself to even breathe. Bill turned to leave when I grabbed his hand. He looked at my with sad eyes. I placed my hand on his cheek to bring him in for a slow kiss. Even though it didn't last long, it filled me with so much joy that I felt it all bubbling within me. "I love you too. And I have since I met you. I guess I just never really knew it." I said, messing with the bracelets on his wrist. He put his hand under my chin to bring my eyes to his. "This is a most triumphant day" Bill said, wrapping me in his arms. It really was a most triumphant day.

Bill and Ted Imagines and PreferencesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang