"I thought you were the angel!" Gigi said before hugging her to greet, she gladly accepted the little hug.

"I thought you were the angel!" Crystal answered, pulling away from the hug. They both laughed a little to how absurd the situation was. They were not only both the devil, they were also the most glam devils in their own ways. Both of them being painted red was the cherry on top.

"You don't have devil energy, Crys! You have glitter all over you!" Gigi leaned into the wall at the corner, holding Crystal close to make sure she could be heard, and kind of wanting Crystal close for no special reason.

"Like you, formerly blonde good girl Genevieve Goode, have devil energy!" Crystal protested back, leaning to the wall like Gigi.

"Matt wanted me as the devil for a reason," Gigi did her top teeth licking again and the brunette in front of her possessed all her energy to react with a laugh to the dirty joke and not to pin the now red haired girl to the wall behind her.

Crystal felt like she could spend the whole night there just chatting with the beautiful girl in front of her, dismissing every person around them. In fact, they did exactly that for a while, right before Crystal saw Lauren and April enter the lounge area hand in hand, dressed as the couple from the American Gothic.

"My ex and her girlfriend just walked in, dressed as what we dressed as when we were together," Gigi curiously looked over Crystal's shoulder to see the couple.

"American Gothic ones, right?" Gigi pulled Crystal closer by her waist. Crystal could feel her heart rate go up as she could feel Gigi's body heat on her.

"What are you doing?" she asked nervously, afraid of not being able to hold herself back.

"The girlfriend thinks we were a thing, remember?" Gigi said, smiling to not break the role of the girlfriend.

"Oh, yeah... That..." Crystal mumbled, forcing a smile on her face. Gigi looked up again and her eyes caught April's ones, looking curiously towards them. She smiled quickly, making Crystal panic even though she couldn't see.

"Look over them, but put on a smile," Gigi ordered. Crystal looked up to her with furrowed eyebrows, ready to protest but Gigi's firm looks shut her down immediately. She obeyed and turned her head to see her ex-girlfriend. April raised a glass towards them to greet, Crystal replied with the same gesture before turning back to Gigi.

"That's my suit!" she whined about her ex's current choice of clothing and the vibrant red-haired girl giggled. Gigi leaned in more and pinned Crystal to the wall, covering them up with her long hair as Crystal forgot how to breath.

"Tilt your head like I'm kissing you right now," Crystal obeyed once again. Gigi reached up to cup her cheek as Crystal raised her free hand to hold her neck as she would usually do to deepen the kiss.

"Kissing me would be easier," Crystal smiled to Gigi before she pulled a little away, still holding her close by her waist. So close that Crystal had to look up to see her properly.

"Slow and steady, Crys," she replied.

"Yeah, you're right..." Gigi giggled before taking Crystal's cup away to put it down on the floor next to her empty one. Then she went back to her position, close to Crystal's little body again. This time Crystal put her hand on the taller girl's neck, playing with the little hairs there. "Do the tongue thing again."

"This?" Gigi did it again and then giggled while Crystal looked fascinated by it. She raised her head more and leaned her nose on Gigi's sharp jawline before mumbling against her skin.

"And you're expecting me to not kiss you right now," Gigi shivered with Crystal's hot breath against her neck. Crystal pulled away quickly, leaving Gigi with a cold feeling over her chest. "Is it funny now you tease?!"

Gigi rolled her eyes playfully, "Slow and steady, you bitch,"

Crystal held her hand to her chest to act exaggeratedly offended, "Baby, I'm a turtle already!" Gigi's eyes weren't on the brunette so she dropped the act. Her eyes were furrowed, looking behind Crystal again.

"She is literally watching us," Gigi didn't peel her eyes away to insert her dominance over April. "Ugh, I hate cheaters."

Crystal suddenly felt sick to her stomach. She was still trying to come to terms with how her relationship ended with Dahlia. How she hurt her, how she was one of the cheaters she hated with her whole heart now. She was still so mad at herself that hearing that from Gigi hurt.

Gigi saw Crystal get taken back and realized her mistake, "Crys, it's not the same thing," she tried to reassure but Crystal was too much in her head to get affected by it.

"How isn't it?" Crystal hated how she was having a fun time with the girl she ended her relationship over while Dahlia was the one left heartbroken.

"You didn't even kiss me!" she chuckled mockingly to the protesting words of the taller girl.

"But I would've," Crystal answered, leaving Gigi even more frustrated. "I should go... go get some air."

She grabbed her glittery tail and left Gigi there, standing alone. The unfairness of everything towards all three of them left her mad, not even knowing towards why. She stopped to down a few shots at once on her way out and found the back porch easily.

She didn't even have a cigarette. She just sat out there in the cold, palm pressed to her eyes as the self-hatred riddled her. She sat alone for a few minutes before someone sat next to her. Crystal looked up to see April, sitting next to her and holding a cigarette out for her. She accepted it and let April light it.

"Is something wrong with you guys? Your relationship?" Crystal chuckled to how fast forward the question was. This was the first time they spoke after longer than a year and April's manipulative persona was already asking relationship questions.

"Yours can't be too good either, you're here with me," she inhaled long and let the smoke cloud out slowly.

"Just wanted to check on you, Cryssie, I still care about you." Crystal chuckled again.

"Why did you cheat on me if you care so much about me?" She asked, just as bold as her shameless ex. "No, really! Why the fuck did you cheat on me? Why didn't you just dump me?" She was practically yelling at that point but the questions were targeted to herself. Why didn't I do these, was the original question.


"Do not call me that!" she got up, still yelling as a few people around them watched with curious looks. Still, her mind was on "Lia".

A hand grabbed Crystal's arm as she walked back, not looking where she was going. "Crystal, stop,"

"Gigi, let me go," she said, not turning around to face her. Gigi held her wrist and started dragging her away from the area. "Geege! Let me go!" Crystal repeated. Gigi stopped finally, not because of Crystal whining but because of them reaching somewhere discreet.

"You can't do this! You can't make everything about you like this, torture yourself with your little mind running at full speed," she let Crystal's wrist go. "This is the night where we accidentally wore the same thing, and we'll remember it like that."


"Shut up, you little devil! You're so fucking annoying sometimes!" Crystal laughed, not even expecting it herself. "We will go back in, dance our minds off, have tension filled moments together and get drunk. Okay?"

Crystal smiled to Gigi knowing her better than she could ever imagine. Anyone who knew her would offer Crystal a distraction, just like Gigi did there. "Okay." Crystal mumbled under her breath.

an part2// my twitter @ is yekaterinasbby, and i'm v fun, confirmed by me

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