"The Isle..." Part XXI...

Start from the beginning

"Yes, indeed, my dear." Balinkoff nodded, beaming. "We shall be dining in orbit...And by tomorrow, the world will hear from Balinkoff again."

"Yes, sir." She beamed happily. "Just let me say how much I appreciate your putting your trust in me for this one, sir."

"Of course, Florence...I literally trust you with my life." He smiled.

"It's just...I know there was a time..." she paused. "When I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve, like poor Amanda, Steve, and Karen...Not to mention, Danny and Todd." Sigh.

"We know each other better now, dear. And you've come to understand my dream." He nodded.

"I'm totally devoted to it...And you, sir." She gave a rather rapturous look. "And I'll see we have a perfect flight."


"Sir?" she was hesitant. "If I may ask...?"


"How long do you think it will take till the world surrenders to you?"

"To us, my dear. Oh...A few days. They'll need a few demonstrations of what we can do." He noted, casually, with wave of hand.

"Of course..."

So nice of the Boss to include us in world conquest...

"Nothing too destructive I hope, but they will need convincing..." he nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, sir. It's too bad everyone can't see the dream." She sighed.

"In time, Florence, in time. For now, fear must keep the world in line on the course to our brighter tomorrow."

"I know, sir. It's just a shame. Oh...Sir?" pause. "What about the others? The ones we're leaving behind? I know most will come on Balinkoff 4, 5, and 6 if they can but..."

"They will defend our base to the last necessary moments...But don't fear, Florence. All will be well. I've prepared for any attack."

"Yes, sir. And Karen and Todd and Steven will have time?"

"I've promised and it shall be so..."

"Yes, sir." Nod. Slight hesitation... "And...Danny?"

"The boy will have his chance to leave with the others if he takes it." Shrug.

"He's resistant to the process..." she noted, carefully.

"By then it won't matter, he'll be free to go. Don't worry, dear. I've no desire to punish him." Balinkoff sighed. "I only wish he'd joined me."

She nodded, a bit sadly.

"And I intend to keep my promise to you. I'll see his sister can do him no harm. She'll be arrested on my order as soon as possible once the new world government is established. I'd much prefer a good man, even if my opponent, in charge of such a vast fortune than one so evil. But we can hope the process will change her nature or reveal a better side to her, once she's secured and Daniel back in his rightful place." He smiled at Florence who nodded.

"Launch control requesting manual fuel pressure check...Captain?" her copilot, a small, lovely woman in her thirties, a former executive from Bombay, India, Pavani Laghari, turned to her.

"Right...Excuse me, boss." Florence, wry smile, pressing her suit mike. "Balinkoff One here, go ahead control..."


"Well...This should be lovely for dinner, ladies." The Skipper nodded at the fish fillets and cross-sections before them on metal panel from the boat placed on a large flat rock. "The rest we can either put with the refrigerator and ice or dry-store. Miss Karen? Did you and your friends ever find ice here? Up in the mountain area, by the volcano, maybe?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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