∑ 16: Our Final Battle!

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Back to the Fight with Gyze.

"Ride! Press Merry block Dragon. Attack." Chrono started his turn attacking Gyze with his new deck, which managed to do two damage to Gyze, but... "Heal trigger, heal one damage and send a Zeroth dragon to the Bind Zone." Gyze sends Ultima to Bind Zone.

"If he manages to invoke himself on the field... We'll be finished..." thought Shion, who managed to connect another damage to Gyze .

"Ahg..." Tokoha was taking damage from Gyze .

"To protect our future, we must end it before that happens..." Tokoha thought

"Ride! Dragfall Luard. Attack... " Gyze attacked Chrono's grade two.

"Kazuma... I'm going to save you, I made a promise to two people and I'm going to keep it!" Chrono recalls that he had promised to Kazumi and Luna to bring Kazuma back.

"That, that attitude... Reminds me of how it used to be before." Thought Chrono, who remembers how he used to be before meeting his friends. "For the sake of the future that we desire... Ride! Chronojet Dragon Z." Chrono said, while taking a card from his G zone... "Stride Generation! Metapulse Avenir Phoenix. Stride Skill, Morfessa goes to the bottom of your deck. Now I call a grade 1... Call! Merry block I call this unit from the deck as a grade 3. Also... Call Chronobeat." Chrono refused to lose to Gyze, as he still had a lot to live for.

"But... That never stopped me, like me, every time I fought... I won friends without realizing it, and I think you also perceived it your way. We enjoyed many moments together... When you joined the club, you stopped being the boy who weighed down having to enter a club and became part of us. I don't think it's wrong to have a future... I know because I was the same." Added Chrono.

"Avenir's skill: Superior Call!" Chrono was calling Chronojet and one more unit... "I want you to know everything the Vanguard taught me." Chrono attacked Gyze with Avenir, "You have your own way of seeing things and also, there are people waiting for your return." Chronojet attacked Luard... "I'm not done yet!" Chrono attacked with Spearhead Unicorn, but... "Generation Guard" Gyze blocks Chrono's attack. Chrono's attack was unable to do the damage... "That is the way. You reached your desired future and this is the consequence of your actions." Said a younger Chrono. "If that boy hadn't met you, he wouldn't be suffering, therefore... he wouldn't have become a Gyze. In other words, this is your fault." Added the young version of Chrono.

"You distorted everything." said Chrono (14 years).

"Attack!" Gyze attacked Shion, however Shion doesn't defend himself. "No guard!" He answered.

"Twin Drive: Heal trigger! Heal damage and send a Zeroth Dragon / Criticlal trigger! Critical to my rear-guard and send another Zeroth Dragon to the bind zone." Gyze put two Zeroth dragon in his bind zone.

"He gave the critical to his rear-guard so he could do more other damages." I thought Shion, while Gyze attacked with Morfessa. "Don't underestimate us!" Shion blocked the attack Gyze.

"Stride Skill: call Belial Owl. I retire Noel. Dragabyss skill: I call Daellad and Lucharba. I remove Katrina." Gyze said... "As long as I exist... Those flowers will not grow."

"With Boost of Knies, Daellad attacks your Vanguard." Gyze attacked Chrono, at which point the young Chrono reappeared...

"You should never have known them. " Said the young Chrono (14 years old).

"Dagda, attack your vanguard. Activated, I remove Knies and call two other units." Gyze called two other units, but that makes the dark side of Chrono appears.

"No guard." Responds Chrono.

"Brant and Gastille were right. All your 'Friends' were involved in this, but not only them, but also the people you love. You should have taken that decision long ago. I think it was correct." Chrono (14 years old) was saying, while both were observing the paper in which Chrono had written that he wanted to be independent.

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