They were now seated at their table and his wife was ignoring him. As she was since the past, he consulted his watch;

25 minutes now.

They had ordered their regulars and were waiting for it in an agonizing silence, a first in their week old married life.

40 minutes now.

The server reappeared with their food but his company turned their mood sour.

Saira The Hostess.

" I'll take it from here " She dismissed the server and took it upon herself to serve them.
Serve Azaan. Exclusively!

" We take special care of our very important customers"

She served him first and even went as far as trying to place the serviette in his lap.

That was it for Faiqa. No woman gets to touch her husband not even innocently, especially in her presence.

" Excuse me "

Faiqa snapped at the vile woman making her halt in her ignoble actions.

She was already worked up due to their argument and this immoral woman was enraging her more.

" First off, I ordered prawns and not your slutty attitude " Faiqa sneered.

Saira had the good sense of taking a step back from Azaan making him sigh in relief.

He did not want another reason for his wife to be angry at him. He still hasn't thought about the course of apology for his first felony.

" And secondly, I'm fully capable of taking care of all of my husband's needs and comforts " Faiqa gave the woman her meanest expressions causing her to flinch in her place.


" So if you could please bark up another tree and find someone else as a willing consort for your carnal desires and let us dine in peace " She finished off, filling a glass of water for Azaan.

The woman scampered away from there but not before the damage was done.

A- she had spoiled their mood and
B- also most likely put her career in a jeopardy over a few minutes of frivolous indulgence.

" I'm sorry"

Azaan apologized feeling responsible for ruining their first date.

" Why? Her promiscuous behavior is not your fault"

Faiqa served herself some of the shrimp scampi, not meeting his eyes.

" And even though I'm angry, you're still my husband" She whispered with a hint of tears in her eyes, " however undeserving you might seem at the moment. "

Azaan couldn't take it anymore and he reached across to hold her hand. He cannot  see her so disheartened especially when he was the cause behind her distress.

" I'm so sorry sir..." They were interrupted by the guilty voice of the restaurant manager.

" I accept full blame for the reckless behavior of my employee. I assure you sir, ma'am that it won't repeat again " The manager's apologetic rant was cut off by Azaan's thunderous voice.

" You're right it won't because we are taking our business elsewhere. Such an unethical behavior from an esteemed establishment such as this, is unacceptable " Azaan only glared at the man knowing that he wasn't at fault here.

" I apologise sir, this and all your subsequent meals are on the house sir ..." He began only to be cut short yet again.

" That won't be necessary because the Hamdaanis are taking their patronage elsewhere. Also, I don't like to owe anyone, anything " Azaan gave his credit card to the server who was standing behind the manager.

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