Chapter 2 : finally met

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"Hyung, I'm home!" he screamed.

But it shows no signs of his brother welcoming him as usual, he heard a scream instead, Sang Tae sounds like he's crying.

"Hyung, what happened?!"

"Ma... Mang Tae, I lost Mang Tae" he said crying.

"Where did you put it?"

"I... I'm sure I always keep them on my bed, but I's not there."

"Just calm down, okay, hyung? Stay here, I'll go search for it." he said, thinking where Mang Tae might be.

It's been two full hours of searching, but that doll was nowhere to be found, that's when Gang Tae almost gave up and told Sang Tae he's going to make him a new one, the one that'll look exactly like Mang Tae. But, when he was about to head upstairs, he saw a girl. It was that girl he saw from earlier, she seems like she was smiling, holding a doll. Wait, A DOLL?! MANG TAE?! He was about to get closer but he started to think logically, a girl?! How come, only him and Sang Tae lives there.

"No way, I must be hallucinating" he said, rubbing his eyes.

But, still, this time she didn't disappear.

"Whoever you are please put that doll down! Put that down! Ya (hey)! I'm not afraid of you!"

Gang Tae's scream stole her attention from that doll, she started to turn his way, and that iconic smile of her's hasn't disappeared.

Gang Tae's now looking into her beautiful eyes. She's looking at him with love and it seems like she was looking into the eye of someone she loves, that shocked Gang Tae. He doesn't remember seeing him, but somehow that eye was really familiar to him.

"Put the doll down you thief!" he screamed, trying to overcome his fears.

Instead of listening to Gang Tae, she hold that doll even tighter, as if someone was going to stole that from her.

"Please, I beg you to put that down, please, my brother needs it. I promise, I'll make you a new one."

Hearing that, she suddenly disappears in a blink of an eye, and Mang Tae was on the floor.

"Geez, what's that, who's she?"

- - -

Gang Tae was sewing, deep down inside, he told himself that this doesn't make any sense. But he's that guy who always kept his promises. So he did sew another doll for her. Even if he's only hallucinating, he'll keep the doll to himself either, he enjoys sewing. He made a doll of a girl, that looks exactly like like her. With long black hair, pale skin, he even pays attention to details like her white dress, shimmering eye, and a ribbon on her neck. Well it looks a bit scary, but never mind.

"Here's what I promise you, if you really do exist and if you really are a ghost, I gave you the permission to live with us, but please don't bother me and my brother." he wrote in a piece of paper, putting it on the living room along with the doll he sew from earlier.

He planned to only leave them there just go, but this curiosity told him to hide and wait for her, so he did. He hid behind a door, waiting for her to come and grab her doll, he was only making sure whether he was hallucinating or not.

Not long after that, he finally saw her. With her long iconic dress. She seems to be happy and sad in the same time.

"Her name was Hyeon Tae. Gang Tae, Sang Tae, Mang Tae, and Hyeon Tae." he said. This time, he wasn't afraid of her anymore. He thinks that there's no need to be afraid of her, it seems like she's not having a bad intention.

"Thank you" she said, with a really small and soft voice.

Wow. Gang Tae didn't even know she can speak.

"What about you, what's your name?"

Before she could answer, she disappeared, again.

- - -

It's been about 2 months since Gang Tae gave her the doll, and since then, she hadn't showed up. Honestly, Gang Tae missed her a lot. He didn't even know why. He should be happy, because it means that she fulfilled her promise to never disturb them again. He wondered what was her name.

Gang Tae was learning, since he never had a chance to go to college. First, he didn't had enough money, and second, he had to take care of Sang Tae, third, he had to volunteer at the mental hospital since he graduated from high school. He always prioritize everyone else instead of himself. While Sang Tae was out with Jae Soo, their best friend. He focused learning, he didn't notice that the old lamp above him was fragile and it was about to drop. As soon as he noticed, the lamp almost hit his head. It was really big and heavy, with glass on it, anyone could die. Gang Tae nearly gave his life up. He was sure it's gonna hit his head and he's gonna die anytime soon. But, after getting ready and shutting his eye in fear, instead of hitting his head, a girl stood there, carrying the lamp, preventing it from hitting Gang Tae, then she fainted.

"Hey! Wake up! Are you okay?!"

Not long after, she disappeared, AGAIN


- - -

HEYYY! Thank you for reading, once again, I'm really sorry I'm not that fluent in english 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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