A Young Spirit Wolf's Thoughts

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Pack life is good.

We have enough food in the Enchanted Forest and we haven't faced a single threat as long as I could remember.

Of course, life wasn't always perfect, we still had some problems. But I wouldn't trade it for anything else.

Safety and peace... this is what every pack should want.

But why am I dissatisfied?

Sure, the young ones could be annoying and the cocky Shadewalker really needs to be smacked in the rear end. But that couldn't be the reason why I feel so dissatisfied.

Wait, I know why, it's because of the pack's rules. Well, one in particular.

Never venture into the Whispering Woods.

But why? What's so scary about the Whispering Woods? Sure the name sounds mysterious... but why forbid us?

Alpha must have a good reason, but whenever I asked, he'd shake his head wearily, as if he didn't want to speak of it.

I growled a little and Ghost gave me a look of surprise, his white fur rising.

"Shh, go back to sleep," I said, licking his small body. "Don't worry, I was only thinking."

"About what, Stardancer?" Ghost asked, his eyes full of wonder.

"I'll tell you one day," I said. "Now, go back to sleep."

Ghost let out a tiny yawn and fell asleep.

I smiled at the small pup, as his chest rose up and down steadily.

Sleep little one, I thought. There's no dangers here, not tonight.

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