stupidity. "Your new to this kinda thing right?" I nodded. " well good luck" he paused for a moment waiting for me to say my name, "Oh I'm Amazon Summers" he smiled, "well good luck Amazon" he said as he begun to walk away. My jaw was still dropped as he walked away, and yet again I faced palmed myself, Stupid STUPID ME. I begun to walk to makeup and hair. Once I walked in I saw the LeBlanc's, Hayley and Annie. As I was staring at them a woman

came up to me, "Name?" It took me a moment to realise I was being talked to, "huh oh I'm Amazon". The nice woman flipped through her to find my name, "ahh you play Delilah right?" I nodded. She pointed to the only empty seat because theirs only three, and get this the seat was right in the middle of Annie and Hayley.

I went and sat down in between them accidentally intruding in their conversation. I was so nervous, I was around probably 15 celebrities. "Hey are you okay you look nervous?" Hayley finally spoke after silence . "Nope not really, this is my first time even being around one celebrity yet at least 15" she both smiled and laughed . "Don't worry you don't have to be nervous, I was nervous my first time too and eventually you become a natural at this" Annie put her

hand on my shoulder and stated. I smiled and nodded. "Hey look we have to go  it we'll see you you later on set" I nodded as Annie and Hayley left. As soon as the girls left new people came in. Omg I was so happy and excited I didn't know how to feel. Txunamy Ortiz and Coco Quinn came and sat down next time taking Hayley and Annie's spot. I tried so hard to cover my smile, but I wasn't very good at it.

"Hey I'm Coco" Coco put out her hand for me to shake it, "Amazon" I said shaking g her hand, "and I'm Txunammy"  Txunami finally said shaking my hand. "Amazon" I said returning the shake. "I've never seen you around L.A" I nodded at Coco as the lady came up to me. "I just moved here" , the lady  begun on my hair. I don't wear makeup, I'm not allowed to till I'm 14 1/2 and yet when I'm 14 1/2 I could only

wear very light colors,but when I'm 15 I can actually wear makeup. The other ladies came up to us and begun to do Coco and Txunami 's hair. "You guys are really pretty" I blurted out for some reason. They both smiled, "aww thank you" they both said in sync. "You also really ready" I laughed at Coco's statement. "Too who" she laughed at me, " I like You".

Finally they were done with my hair and makeup. "It was nice meeting you guys, I guess I'll see our guys on set" they both nodded. I got up and left as Popper Rockelle came in to take my spot. I decided to go sit down on the couch and scroll through Snapchat for a bit. As I was scrolling, JENNA DAVIS 😲 came and sat down next to me on the couch. "Hey Amazon right? You play Delilah right?" I

nodded to afraid to move. "Well I'm Jenna nice to meet you. She put her hand out for  a to shake it, I smiled and returned the shake. "So your exited?" I adjusted myself on the couch so I was at a clearer view of her face. "I'm so exited" I pinched myself to figure out if I was dreaming..I wasn't 😏

"Oh that's good" I nodded. As we we were talking Coco and Txunami came up to me with theory e. "Pose" lineup the price Singh. "Okay We'll tag you, what's your username?" " Oh it's uh  Official.Amazon_Summons" she nodded then did her thing on her phone. "Okay done" after posting it Coco and Txunami sat down extra me. After a few seconds I got a notification saying I've been tagged in a post by Coco Quinn. I opened the picture and liked it. "Okay act one, Delilah, Katie, Brittany, and Harmony"

the nice lady shouted . I got up and begun to walk to the set, it first turning around to see Jenna, "good luck" she said, " thanks" then I begin to walk away. Once I got on the set I was so scared and nervous, 😓 what if I mess up my lines, or fall and everyone starts laughing at me and I get so embarrassed I never wanna act on Chicken Girls again, or, or worse if I never want t to act on anything ever again I'm DOOMED.

AmazonSummons- A Pipperazzi storyWhere stories live. Discover now