29 : Come on Nezu

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Word count : 1,050

*Izuku pov*

"Kitsum was our best friend for about six years before the..... Event... happened. I don't think Hitoshi is ready to talk about it yet but I'll try and answer all your questions. But please just wait until after school, we can all go to my house and we can talk. Is that ok Dad?" I tell the and Dad just nodded his head in a worried way. "Yea that's ok Izu, I'll tell Zashi about it." I smile at him and walk out into the hallway still helping Toshi along the way. "Hey you want to go to Papa's room?" I whisper to Toshi as he just huraly nods his head. That only made my worries worse as I sped up a little and ran to Papa's room. "Papa? Can we come in?" I ask in a hushed voice just barely peaking my head in the room. I could see Papas expression chance in an instant as he ran over and helped us inside the room. "What happened? Are you two ok? Are you hurt?" He smothered us with questions as we both just started to cry and hug Papa. I could tell he was a little conflicted as what to do, so I looked up with pleading eyes and almost immediately I saw his eyes light almost as if he now knew what to do. "It's ok. You ok, you don't have to tell me what it is right now but If your ok can you tell me what happened?" I nod my head in Papa's now drenched jacket and lifted my head from his chest to sit up a little as Toshi just continued to hug Papa as if he was his life support. "Um so the thing is, we met Henieama Kitsum again." I looked in Papas eyes and almost immediately I knew he was pissed. "Nezu let someone like her in here?" Papa quite literally growled and picked Toshi up and set him next to me. Toshi clasped on me as I teared up a little and hugged him back. "Ok, I'm going to get Shota and Shoto then I'm going directly to Nezu. Will you be ok for a little while?" I looked up to Papa and nodded my head. "I have Toshi, I'll be ok." Papa nods back and walked out of the room and the last I saw he was darting down the hallway. "Hey Toshi it's going to be ok. Papa's going to Nezu soon, Kitsum won't be here anymore." Toshi nods his head and I hug even harder as I waited for Dad and Roki to arrive.

"Izuku?!" Roki and Dad burst in the door and raced over to us as soon as they saw our conditions. Roki pulled me into a bone crushing hug almost as soon as Dad pulling Toshi into a hug. "Are you ok? Why did that guy have this effect on you guys?" Roki asked in a sweet voice luring me in and calming me down. "He did something when we were kids causing us a lot of distressed" I whimpered into his chest as Roki rubbed my back "It's ok Yamada told us what he's going to do. That guy wont be able to hurt you anymore." I smiled a little into Roki's chest but hugged him even more. "Thanks Roki." I loosen my grip and turn around to see Dad and Toshi asleep. "Now that makes sense." I chuckle and cuddle onto Roki who just combs his fingers through my hair. Soon enough I got comfortable enough that I just fell asleep in his arms.

*Yamada pov*

Immediately after I left Izuku and Toshi with the other two I sprinted directly to Nezu's office. Running up to the door right before I nocked on it the door opened revealing Nezu sitting in his seat behind the desk with a smile. "Hello Hizashi, how can I help you?" Nezu asked and I stomped in the room with a growl like sound coming out of my throat. "You can help me by calling Henieama Kitsum in here and expelling her immediately." I bark leaning against the wall as I saw Nezu's face contort into confusion. "And do you have an explanation as to why she deserves to be expelled?" Nezu leaned forward with his paws crossed. "Look onto the camera inside my class room. Maybe that will give you an explanation." I answered with a growl at the end. "Well this was unexpected, can you tell me why your children are crying in the arms of their father and boyfriend?" Nezu calmly asked causing me to get even more angry. "Lets just say Izuku, Hitoshi, and Kitsum have a extremely bad past that caused Izuku and Hitoshi to have panic attacks every other day because of something she did to them. The only reason they haven't had many laity is because they have slightly gotten over what she did but now they they have seen her again the memories have been resurfaced and they are having a panic attack at the moment. I have a feeling that they're going to fall asleep soon though." Right as I said that we saw Shoto and Hitoshi fall asleep in each other arms. "Well it seems something bad happened. Would you be kind enough to explain what happened." Nezu asked looking up with a slightly pissed face. A grin placed itself on my face for a second before it was replaced by a serious expression. "I would love to but It is not my story to tell. When my kids are ready to tell what happened I will invite you. Is that ok Nezu?" I bow and I heard Nezu sigh but he agreed. "Ok, but only on one condition. Kitsum will not be expelled until I know what happened, as soon as I know what happened and if the reason is enough I will install a punishment for her." I grimace but nod my head excepting what Nezu had decided. "But" Wait he's not done? "I will make sure Kitsum is far away from the two for the time being." I look up surprised and thank Nezu before walking out of the room. "Well that was a surprise. But thank you Nezu"

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