End of the story re-write

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Bruno crawls under the fence and looks at his friend Shmuel. 'I can't believe we are on the same side of the fence, this is so exciting!' Says Bruno.
'Its not all that great here,' Says Shmuel distantly. 'But I'm glad to be here with you.' He says changing the subject.
'Okay, so where do we star-' Bruno gets lost in speech when he looks around the place. There are people in groups as skinny as Shmuel if not, skinnier. The people look very un-healthy, upset, some of them are even crying. Soldiers are shouting and giving orders. Bruno starts to regret coming to this side of the fence.
'Bruno?' Shmuel says as he taps Bruno's shoulder. 'Are you okay? You stopped mid sentence.'
'What?' Bruno says lost in thought. 'I think I should go home, This place doesn't look good.'
'But you promised you'd help me.' Shmuel says sadly, feeling betrayed.
'I know, but its strange here.' Bruno says still looking around.
'Thats what I've been trying to tell you, the soldiers hate us!'
'I don't feel comfortable, but I guess I'll stay for a bit since I promised. I don't guarantee we will find anything.' And with that the two boys start looking around.

Bruno and Shmuel search around for about an hour or so. They look in all of the rooms, which weren't very nice at all. There were so many people bunched together and there weren't even any beds, just hard wooden things that don't look comfortable. They look inside and outside making sure to steer clear of soldiers. Bruno had the urge to go up and ask a soldier about it but he kept remembering how much he looked like a Jew and was afraid to be punished.

'Shmuel it's time for me to go home I mustn't come home late or they will start to ask questions. It's beginning to get dark.'
'But-' Shmuel begins.
'Im sorry we couldn't find anything but I must go home. Thank you for being my friend for the past year, I will never forget you. Hopefully I will see you soon. Maybe you can come to Berlin, you can't stay here forever can you?'
'Okay Bruno, I suppose they can't keep me here forever.' Says Shmuel thinking about it. 'So this is goodbye, I hope we see each-other again soon.'
'Bye Shmuel.'
'Bye Bruno.'
Just as Bruno turns around to go home, a soldier is standing right in front of him.
'And what do you think your doing.' Says the soldier snickering.
'Um, um I-I was j-just heading h-home.' Bruno says stuttering. 'I am Bruno the commandants son.' He says proudly.
'Oh of course, and I'm a zebra.' The soldier says sarcastically.
'No really I am, go ask him right now.' Bruno says getting frustrated with the man.
'Your that sure, beware if the consequence if your not.' He says coming down to eye level with Bruno. 'How much I hate you people is beyond my capability to explain.'
The soldier stands up and calls for the commandant. 'Commandant!' He yells.
Bruno's father starts to walk towards them. 'What does it want.' He says with his booming voice.
'This filthy thing told me he was your son!' The soldier says laughing.
'Hello father.' Says Bruno looking up at the commandant.
'Bruno!' The commandant says astonished. 'What on earth are you doing here? Look at you, why are you dressed like that?'
'I wanted to come here with my friend.'
'What friend?'
'Shmuel, right here.' Bruno says pointing at him. 'We have been meeting up at the fence every day at noon, we were looking for his father.' Bruno stares hard into his fathers eyes. 'Where is he?' He demands.
'He's dead.' The soldier states as it's the most obvious thing then laughs. 'It stunk forever when he -'
The commandant cut him off, 'Stop talking! You were not being spoken to, who told you to speak!' Yelled Bruno's father.
'I want to bring Shmuel home with us to Berlin.' Bruno says. 'You owe him that.'
'I don't owe anything to Jews.'
'He's coming whether you like it or not, your staying here anyways.' Bruno says as he grabs Shmuel's hand and walks toward the fence with him.

Shmuel ends up going home with Bruno back to Berlin. He meets Bruno's old friends which Bruno had forgotten their names. Experienced the busyness of town, went to cafés, went to school and everything Bruno talked about. He is very thankful to have Bruno as his friend and become part of the family as an acceptance from the commandant. Although he misses Poland and his own family he would rather be here than back at Out-with.

The end.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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