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Hi I'm Michael just called me Mike. I am married to a beautiful women name Star with a 7 year old daughter name Mia. One day I got promoted for a new job being a Realtor. I helped my wife unpacked our things out the box. As night time approach Star made us Lasagna, Chicken, Broccoli and Yeast Rolls. I walked in the kitchen as I placed my hands behind my wife waste and kissed her neck as I rub my hand against her thighs she said , with a smile on her face "uhh uhh wait till the food get done . Don't fall asleep tonight." I said , you know I want honey as I licked my lips and walked away. The next morning the alarm went off . I rushed out the bed stomp my damn toe. Star yelled , "what's the matter honey "? I yelled back , " I'm late for work" as she got out of bed and kissed me on my forehead and said, have a good day at work honey I love you." I button my shirt and said . " I love you more." As I ran to my car and sped out the drive way down the street . I yelled , damn I'm late on my first day. Once I got to work there was a elevator and I went in it, as it began to close a women yelled , excuse me sir wait can you hold it for me please ?" I stopped the elevator from closing and let the women in. The women said , thank you so much I'm already late on my first day. I smile and I said, tell me about it I'm late to as I looked at my time at my watch while we were still on the elevator the women said, let me introduce myself , hey my name is Secrete as I looked at her long black hair, down to her lime green eyes as I looked at her red lips touching against each other and I said, my name Michael. Secrete said , nice to meet you Michael hope we meet again as she smile and walk out the elevator.

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