Before You Go

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Josie held in tears as she packed her things. She is so out of here. Things are going to change soon. She just needs to leave this place. There's nothing left for her here. Her sister doesn't care about her. Her father doesn't give her a second glance. Her friends don't need her. Maybe a change of scenery was what she needed. When she asked her dad if she could travel with their mom, she wasn't all that surprised he said yes. She was just surprised she didn't think of this before.

She grabs her bags and heads to the doors. "Bye Lizzie. I'll talk to you soon." She says goodbye to her twin. "I can't believe you get to spend the rest of the year with mom, but when I ask dad, he says no. That she's too busy recruiting." Lizzie rolls her eyes. "Anyways, tell mom I said hi. And that I love her." She hugs Josie tight. "Yeah, I will. I'll miss you." Despite everything, she's still her sister and she still loves her. "Me too." Josie sighs. That's it? 'Me too'? Maybe she really does need a break. She lets go and turns to her dad. "Your mother will be here soon. You got everything?" He double checks with Josie. "Yes dad. I'll call you once I get there, I promise." "You better. I'll miss you sweetie. I love you." Alaric hugs her tightly before she lets go. 'Then where were you when I needed you?' Josie thought to herself. She turns to her friends and smiles sadly. They'll be ok, she thought to herself. They don't need me.

"I'm gonna miss you Joze. Send postcards ok? From everywhere that you go." MG tells her. Josie laughs and nods. "I will." "Take care of yourself, don't let anybody mess with you. And if they do, just set them on fire." Kaleb jokes. Josie laughs but her mind flashed back to Penelope. Their friendship, relationship, break up. Come to think of it, she's finally doing what she wanted her to do in the first place. Put herself first. She kind of wished she was here to say goodbye to her. Since she didn't get a proper chance to say her goodbyes. "I'm so sorry about everything." Landon apologized. "I never meant for things to get so messed up between us and Hope." Hope. Where was she? Was she not saying goodbye? After everything? Maybe it's for the best. She'll probably write a letter later or something. "It's fine Landon, it was no one's fault." She gives him a quick kiss on his cheek before letting go. "Come on, sweetie. We gotta beat traffic. Man, it sucks not being able to use Vampire speed all the time." Caroline complained. Josie giggles as she wipes a tear. She grabs the last of her things and gets in the car.

Caroline starts to pull out and Josie watches as her friends and family slowly disappear into the distance. "You'll be fine, Josie. I promise." Caroline holds her hand. "Thanks mom." Josie looks out the window as the wind blows through her hair. She goes to close her eyes and take in the calmness of it all until there was a sudden tilt of the car. Someone jumped on top. Caroline slams the breaks and gets out. "Whoever you are, you're suspended!" She pauses once she sees who it was. "Oh....Josie?" She calls to her daughter. Josie leans forward to her mom. "I think someone wants to talk to you." Josie quickly steps out to see who it was. "Hope?"

Hope quickly jumps down from the car and goes to her. "Josie, I'm so sorry. I was going to say goodbye and then I couldn't bring myself to it. But then I thought....I need to tell you something before you leave." Hope rambles. "What is it?" Josie questioned. " damn it. Josie, I....ugh why is this so hard?!" Hope runs her hands through her hair. "What is it? What's wrong?" Josie gently grabs her arm. "Josie, don't leave." Hope begged. Josie blinked at her. "What? What do you mean 'don't leave'? I have to. There's nothing for me here." Hope shakes her head. "No, no. There is. You have me." She smiled sadly. "What?" "Ugh! This is not coming out how I wanted! J-...I-..." Josie shakes her head. "Hope, if there's you have to say, can I go now?" Hope shakes her head. "No. Just let me think...." She sighs. "I knew how much you were hurting. I know how bad it was. Not knowing where you belong. Thinking you weren't good enough or strong enough. I knew. And I should have said something. But then I heard you were leaving. And I just kept thinking, 'was there something I could have said to make your heart break better?' 'was there something I could have said to make it all stop hurting?' And it killed me. It killed me that your mind could make you feel so worthless. Cause you are not worthless. You aren't. You deserve someone who will fight for you. And never give up on you. And I won't Josie. I won't give up. I know I should have said something sooner. But you were with Penelope and then you had that thing with Raf and I ju-" she sighs.

"What I'm trying to say is....please don't go. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay. Please stay. Cause....I've always loved you. I tried to deny it, and then the fire. And then you and Penelope and everything just went downhill from there. But I'm willing. I'm willing to go through all the heartbreak and pain and loss, if it means I get to be with you. That is, if you want me." Hope stares into her eyes. Josie blinks, speechless. Hope...wants....what? "Y-you want to be....with me? Like, together? Officially?" Hope nods nervously. "Um....i-i...." Hope sighs and turns around. "It's fine, your feelings for me have probably died down long ago. It's my own fault. I hope you find what you're looking for with your mom. Just write to me." Hope walks back to the school. "No." Josie finally says. Hope turns around. "What?" "I won't write to you. I don't want to." Hope's heart breaks. "Oh. Ok, um, that's fine. You don't have to." "No, I won't write...cause I'm not going anywhere." Josie smiles. "What?" Hope wipes the tears from her eyes. "I'm staying here....with you." Josie holds her hands. "Really?" Hope asks. "Really." Josie smiles and hugs her tight. Josie lets go and turns to tell her mom that she won't be leaving. But then she doesn't see her anywhere. "Mom?" She asked out loud. "I think she went back to the school." Hope tells her. "How do you know?" Josie turns back to her. "Just a guess." Hope points to Caroline's car driving back to the school. Josie laughs and shakes her head.

"I think she knew you weren't gonna leave after all." Hope smiles at Josie. "And how would she know that?" Josie smiles back. "Cause, I am my father's daughter. And he did technically get the girl in the end." Josie hugs her tight. "I suppose. What about you? Did you get the girl?" She asks Hope. "I don't know. Did I?" She asks Josie. Josie smiles and slowly leans in. Hope kisses her back with a smile and wraps her arms around her waist. Josie wraps her arms around her neck and runs her hands through her hair. They pull away eventually and smile at each other. "I'm sorry I waited so long." Hope apologized. Josie shakes her head. "Don't be, better late than never." She leans back in for another kiss.


And that is all folks! Please tell me what you think about this one shot. For some reason I heard this song on the radio and this whole scene with Hosie popped into my mind. And this is how it played out for me. If/when they finally get together on Legacies

Before You Go (Hosie one shot)Where stories live. Discover now