I guess we have a lot in common

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With that I gave them a chance to process, as I saw the wheels turning in everyone's brain, accept for Five, he had already processed it, he got up and walked back to the bar. He poured two margaritas and then walked back and handed one to me. "I feel like you could probably use this", he said smiling at me. "Thank you" I said as I gladly took the drink and sipped away. "Will they be able to process all that soon?" I asked Five, "cause I only gave them the summary and they already seem in shock." Five snickered at my comment and replied "Yeah they will just will take them a second, so your 54 years old huh?" Five asked as he raised his eyebrow inquisitively. "Yup", I said as I took another sip of my drink, "54 years old in a 19 year old body... how about you? You are definitely not 19." Five smiled, clearly surprised by how I caught on to his age difference and said, "I'm 59, I can time travel & spacial jump like you... I got stuck in the apocalypse for years & was an assassin too, when I got back to my siblings, I miss calculated and ended up in this body, technically the same body age as you, 19." I tilted my head at him, and replied "I guess we have a lot in common then Five." I winked at him and took another sip of my drink.

  Just then all the others started talking at once with each other trying to figure out what to do with Zero, Five and you sat there for awhile hoping their discussion would die off but then Luther came to a decision,"We need to lock her up! She could kill us all!" Luther stated, as he marched towards you, with that Five had had enough, "WILL YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP?" He screamed slamming his drink down on the table making me wince and flinch back a bit, I was hoping that Five didn't notice.

Five's POV:
I had had enough, these people are idiots! They have some serious authority issues and it's not helping me get to know Zero any better! We have a connection I can feel it and her being hurt makes my blood boil. I got up and screamed at them and they all went silent, but when I slammed my drink down I noticed Zero flinch and wince back, I looked at her puzzled by her action, only too see her eyes a darker purple color & that's when I realized she really didn't tell us the full story. She must have been tortured and abused for so long, she can't help but react to my outburst. I felt bad for doing it but then I looked back up at my stupid siblings and realized it was the only thing I could have done. I cleared my throat and then spoke angrily at them "Do you guys really think that yelling and bickering is going to help?! She just told you her reasoning for appearing out of nowhere and you all start to debate what to do with her?!"

Back to your POV:
I wonder why Five is standing up for me, you thought to yourself, we just meet and I already feel like I know him. Your thoughts are broken as you hear Diego speak "okay everybody we need to just calm down, Luther is right. We don't know if she is going to kill us or not, she could be dangerous!" I laugh at this and they all look back at me inquisitively, "Oh trust me I'm one of the best assassins in the world, if I wanted you dead I would have killed you all by now." Five smiled and looked down at me, he looked proud of what I had said and he then continued "While you all were standing their mouths hung open.....Zero and I actually talked and we are the same age in consciousnesses and physical body..... she is not going to hurt you guys unless you try and hurt her, then it's just fair game." Five smirked as he starred down his siblings.

"Okay fine fine, jez Five don't get your nuts in a twist" Klaus replied slumping back into a chair, motioning for his siblings to take a seat too. Vanya and Allison take a seat and Luther and Diego step backwards but remain focused on you. "Now then," Five proceeds to look at you, "I wonder why you ended up here..." he furrows his brow trying to think of reasonings behind your appearance. You look up at him and give a slight shrug, "I have no idea but all I know is that my father went on & on about you Umbrella kids & I think he's planning on trying to wipe you all out." Luther tenses at this comment, "Oh I'd like to see him try!" He says boasting, you snicker and reply "He literally tortured me into having powers and had machines to make me younger and weaken my powers... you really think he is going to just charge at you with nothing?" Vanya speaks up, "Zero has got a point, if what she says is all true then we are in trouble." She looks at Allison to see if she agrees with her, "I agree with Vanya," Allison puts her arm in Vanya nodding at her, "If we are in danger then Zero is the only one who knows what is possibly headed our way." She stands up and looks at all her siblings, "I think we need to come up with a plan & the only way to do that is believing Zero." Five chimes in now, "I trust her, I've had years of experience, much longer than you youngsters, and she's here to stay." He looks down and winks at you stepping in front of you. You smile at his action, he already wants to protect me you think. All the siblings agree to let you stay and Five tells them to proceed as normal, and you and him will try to figure out a game plan in the morning.

Soulmates? Number Zero (Reader) x Number Five Where stories live. Discover now