At some point Ginny let go of you, reaching for a tissue on her nightstand. "I'm sorry for waking you up," she mumbled after cleaning her nose.

You smiled empathetically at her. "Don't worry."

She sighed, smiling back at you sadly before she started rummaging through the drawer. "Damn," she pulled out an empty bottle.

"What is it?", you asked.

"It helps me sleep," she explained and added – after she saw your worried expression – with a chuckle: "It's nothing addicting, don't worry. It's just ... ugh, I knew I forgot something." She let herself fall back against the pillow.

"Where do you normally get it from?" You looked at the small bottle. It didn't look like she bought it somewhere. It looked handmade.

"Madame Pomfrey."

You nodded, standing up to grab a robe. "I'll get it."

"No! Oh, Y/N, please don't, I can manage," Ginny tried to protest but you shook your head.

"It's fine, really!", you smiled at her.

"She's probably asleep anyways."

"She always has someone working the night shift. I'll just grab that –," you took the battle and put it in the pocket of your robe. "– and I'll be right back."


Hogwarts at night always felt a little creepy. Dark and long hallways, ghosts passing you by and that eerie silence ... A shiver ran down your spine and you sped up a little, wanting to be back in bed as fast as possible.

The door to the hospital wing was open, illuminated by a glimmer of light coming from inside. Good, so someone was there. You slipped through the door and made your way towards the office of Madame Pomfrey.

"Come in," she called when you knocked on the door.

She was turned away from you, her nose stuck in a book. To your surprise, she wasn't the only one in the small office. In front of her desk stood no other than ... Draco Malfoy.


Malfoy didn't look at you. "The healer that has worked for my family for decades said it's alright," he said with a pressed voice, directing it at Madame Pomfrey.

The woman sighed softly before she turned around. "Well, honey, your healer probably also gets paid by your family."

"What that's supposed to mean?", Malfoy asked, sounding almost offended.

"Nothing," she replied. "But I disagree with him. Although the medicine has no immediate side effects, prolonged and excessive use of it can make it stop working altogether. I believe, this wouldn't help you very much either and –"

"I know, I know," he interrupted her, clearly having had this talk before.

Madame Pomfrey continued talking in a stern voice: "I refilled your bottle twice during the past ten days – it says so in my book here and I keep very good track of all my patients – so I can't give you anymore." A sad smile appeared on her face. "I'm sorry, honey. I can however offer you this." She pulled a small cotton bag from one of the drawers. "It contains different herbs. Put it under your pillow and it'll help you sleep."

Malfoy hung his head, looking defeated and exhausted. „What about the ... dreams?"

„I'm so sorry, honey, but there's nothing I can do about it."

With another sigh, he finally gave in and took the cotton bag. "Good night," he muttered and left the room, without even glancing in your direction.

Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now