Off to London

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This morning I woke up at 7am the usual time for me. I'm not like normal teenagers I kind of like to get up in the morning. I quickly jump in the shower and wash my hair with my new red berries shampoo and conditioner. I get out and wrap a towel round me and one around my hair too. I walk to my room quietly as my baby brother is still asleep next door. I only ever procrastinate getting ready, I could just sit there in my towel. So I go into my room and check my phone I have 2 messages
Message 1* Lily: can I come to your at 11 so we can go to the station together?xxx
I reply with* me: of course!xxx
The second message was my other friend who I met in America on holiday and we have stayed in touch for 2 years now
Message 2* Rio: Hello, might be coming to England next summer!:)xx miss you loads
I reply quickly with* me: Omg! we have got to meet up!!:)xxx miss you too!
It was now 9 o'clock and I needed to get ready so I put my black jeans on and my timberland boots on with my 'FANGIRL' tee on.

Later on I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs and open to see Lily in her stripy black and white leggings with a belly top on, showing her golden belly ring . I always wish I could have her figure because I really want my belly button pierced but I would never show it as i bulge out of everything I wear.

It was 11:35 so we decided to leave. I grab my 'Nike' jumper and stuff it in my bag. Take my phone of charge and then we left for the station.When we finally got to the train station we had to get the one that came at 12:15. It felt like forever as we had just missed one. As we waited we both plugged our earphones in and were totally unsociable until the train came. We got on the train and sat on a table seat. Lily couldn't stand going backwards so I had to sit opposite her. I love sitting on the train and just watching as the country turned into city and buildings. 40 minutes later I was listening to Union J 'You Got It All' quietly humming along when I noticed it was only two more stops. I tap Lily and she looks up.
"Yeh," she says confused
"only a couple more stops," I reply
"Ok, where shall we go first?" I ask, hoping we will both want to go there
I was so wrong "How about River Island?" She asked pleadingly. I really don't like river island I think the shop is so crowed and small and I get so claustrophobic I can't breath.
"Ermm...maybe you could go to river island and meet me at Starbucks," I say trying not to sound boring. Lily just looks at me and rolls hers eyes but finally say
"Yeh ok."

When we finally get to our stop we jump of the train and go straight towards the tow centre. I say to Lily "Don't be longer than 1 hour and a half."
She just goes "Yeah, yeah I'll meet you at Starbucks." I could tell she was being a bit drawn in to the winter sales. While Lily gets about 5 new pairs of jeans I go down to the Starbucks on the corner of a quiet street as it doesn't get crowded. I walk up to the counter a order a cappuccino with cream and go to hand the lady 5 pound but drop my purse. I'm an IDIOT! I go to pick it up but kindly this lady picked it up for me.
I turn to her and say "Thank you."
"Your Welcome sweetie," she replies smiling sweetly at me. Finally I go sit down in a booth and check my phone for any Messages. I have 2, both from Lily.
Message 1* Lily: he what do u think of this?xxxx:)
Message 2* Lily:(image of white tennis skirt) so?xxx:)
I read this and shake my head but I reply with
Me: That gorgeous xxx:*
My drink comes over and I thank the waitress she just nods and walks off. I check Twitter for any more Union J updates but then I come across this tweet that says
"@KirtyMatthewsUJ : UNION J ARE IN LONDON!" I almost spit my drink out with excitement. I am really Fangirling right now. I text Lily quickly
Me: I saw it on Twitter and now lost of people are tweeting picture
Of them with Union J.
Me: meet me outside Primark!!xxxx
Lily: I'm just paying now see you in a minute!!xxx:*
I quickly finish my drink and check Twitter there were now loads of photos with Union j. I was so jealous I really wanted to meet them since the first time I saw them on XFactor as I knew they would become so popular! As I jump up from my set and head for the door the most embarrassing thing happend...I pulled the was definitely not a pull. Urg I'm so clumsy, I went bright red and ran out the door I kept my head down as I was so embarrassed then I accidentally bump into someone.
"Woaah, are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say. I look up just as I'm about to say I'm fine I realise who it is.
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