『 Prologue 』

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They say that when you ask for something, you'd always do your best to find the means to achieve it. If there's a will, there's a way, right? That's why right now, I'm willing to risk everything--even my life, just for a stupid myth that got my hopes up.

I stepped over onto edge of the rooftop. My hands trembled and my knees weakened, a big lump in my throat formed. Various curses escaped from under my breath. I'm currently on top of Kurwisgate's tallest building.

Suicidal thoughts weren't what controlled my mind. But to bystanders, surely they'd think of such. I don't know why I'm so hooked into proving this myth.

'Crap,' My thoughts of doubt submerged before resurfacing once more. 'It's a myth, Callista! Of course it's not true!'

Regardless, I turned my back onto the edge--both of my arms are crossed over my chest. The action I'm executing is similar to that of a 'trust fall.' However, I'm not certain of the events that will follow after this 'myth debunking.'


My counting came to a halt when loud footsteps rumbled loudly towards the rooftop's entrance. I cursed under my breath. When the person opened the door to the rooftop, my breath hitched and I accidentally took a false step--not forward...but backwards. It shocked me due to the fact that the person bursted out without any warning. Plus, my eyes were closed shut.

So I'm really doing this, aren't I? Wait, did I even do the ritual--er process correctly? Crap, I'm screwed.

May God help me even when the situation I placed myself in...is really hopeless.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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