"Daan wake up!" I heard. "Stop. Don't do this!" I shouted. "Wake up!" I heard again. "Leave him alone, it's me that you want. Don't kill him" I said as I kept fighting to make the pressure on my chest disappear. Suddenly, I felt the pressure moving down and I could finally breathe. "Wake up" I heard once again. I opened my eyes to see someone on top of me. "Is she awake?" I could hear from somewhere. Beth? "She is" Jill said as she got off of me. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "I heard you scream so I came in rushing, but you wouldn't wake up no matter what I did. I was running out of ideas so I called Beth and she told me what to do" she explained. "I'm going back to sleep now. Here you go" she said as she handed me the phone.

"Hi" Beth said through the phone. "Hello" I groaned as I rolled on my side. "Did Jill wake you up?" I asked her. "No. I wasn't sleeping" she replied. "It's 2 am in London though" I frowned. "I know. I couldn't sleep" she admitted. "How come?" I managed to ask through a yawn. "My bed seems very empty" she replied. Even through the phone, I could tell she was blushing. "Just go in mine" I told her. She didn't say anything, but I heard the floor creaking and I knew she had entered my room. "That's better" she finally said.

"How was your day?" I asked her. "It was fine. Training went well, but it was a bit boring without our dutchies" she said. "Lisa kept whining because she misses Viv. Katie and Leah were so calm because the other part of their chaotic trio wasn't there" she explained. "And nobody missed me" I said. "That's not true. We felt the void as well" she replied. "The girls always sit straighter when I walk in and stop laughing. They fear me" I told her. "They don't. It's a display of respect. That's all. They'll get over it soon. They're always talking about how amazing you are" she told me. "That's nice" I said. "Anyways, I missed you" she mumbled. "I did too" I admitted.

"How are you feeling about your game?" She asked me. "I'm excited. I feel like my ankle is fine and I should be able to play at least 70' which isn't too bad. I know we can win this" I replied. "That's great news" she yawned.

"You should get some rest" I told her. "You too" she replied. "Yeah" I murmured. However, neither of us hung up. "I'll just stay until you decide to hang up" I said. "Good" she answered. I put the phone next to me on the bed and closed my eyes. I could hear her even breathing and I knew she was already sleeping. I didn't bother ending the call. I liked it better that way. She falls alseep very quickly so every night, I'd end up listening to her steady breathing. That night was no exception.

"Oh come on Daan! You could've at least plugged my phone" Jill whined when I gave it back the next morning. "Why'd you leave her with you phone?" Jackie asked. "She was on the phone with her girlfriend all night" Jill said. "Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes. "Leave the girl alone" Viv interjected. "Thank you" I said. "Don't you have a phone to do that?" Dom asked. "Well, it's a little complicated" I mumbled.

Jill saw that I clearly wasn't comfortable talking about it so she took the lead. "Daan had a little something going on and I didn't know what to do so I called Beth since I thought she'd know what to do and I left her my phone overnight because I went back to sleep" She explained. "Beth like Meado Beth?" Dom asked. "Yeah" I said. "Why would you call Beth?" She questioned me. "They live together" Viv answered. "We have a lot to catch up on" Do told me. "Do we?" I sighed. "We do" she nodded and I knew it would've been pointless to argue.

"Come on girls. Get on the bikes" Sarina told us as she was walking across the wall. "We'll talk about that after training" Do murmured to me. "Can't wait" I faked a smile. Dear lord please get me out of this!

We got to the field and started with some fitness stuff as usual before we got into the drills. Like I said, club is nice, but being with people coming from the same place as you with the same culture and values, it's special. I've been around for a while and the team we have now is the best we've ever had. The newbies are extraordinary and so talented, but we also have such an experienced group of veterans. When we make the youngsters play against the old bags in scrimmage like we did during this training, it's always hell of a battle. There's no time to stop even for a second. Spain doesn't stand a chance.

When we were all exhausted, they stopped the training to make sure we're not drained for our game. We rode back to our hotel. We don't usually use bikes when we're outside the KNVB campus, but the ESPWNT wanted us to feel like home so they got us some.

When we arrived, I thought I could go straight to my room and avoid Dom, but she patiently waited for me. "Took you long enough" she said. "I wonder why" I mumbled underneath my breath. She followed me to my room where she sat on the bed and stared at me until I was uncomfortable enough to talk. "Fine. What do you want to know?" I sighed.

"Are you sleeping with her?" She asked me. "Because if you are, I hope you know it's wrong. And I love you, but it would be disgusting. She's just a little innocent girl who doesn't speak up that much and if you arrived and did your glowy eyes thing to get her in your bed, it's disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself. I thought you said you'd never do that and you just go over there and knock up the most vulnerable omega on the team? That's unacceptable" she started ranting before I could even answer. "Are you done?" I asked her as she was catching her breath. "I think so" she carefully glanced at me.

"If you would've gave me time to answer, I would've told you that I haven't sleep with her and that I still stand by what I said. I'm not the type to do that. I arrived and I met her under some... conditions and we talked. She told me about all the unfair things that happened and I offered her to move in with me since the place was too big for me alone anyways. That's all. We're housemates and friends. That's it" I told Dominique. "That's all?" She frowned. "Well I did technically sleep with her, but not in that way" I admitted. "In what way?" She asked. "Well, remember when I told you about these nightmares that I didn't want to tell you about? It happened and she came to wake me up, but I was too shaken up so she stayed with me and now we mostly sleep in the same bed, but we don't even touch" I explained. "You told her about your nightmares?! You never wanted to tell me anything about it. And you have a housemate? You've lived alone since you left your parents' house and you never got any roommate with the team or the clubs you played for!" Dom exclaimed. "I guess people change" I shrugged. "No they don't. You still have no roomate" Do said.

"Did you actually spend the night with her on the phone?" She asked me after a moment of silence. "Well yeah, but we were both alseep so" I replied. "Do you love her?" Dom questioned me again. "We're just friends who live together" I answered. "It's just you and me here, Daan. You don't have to lie to me and even worse, to yourself" she said. "The thing is, I really don't know. We're friends, that I know. It's easy between us and there's no way I'm going to ruin it. Anyways I don't think she's interested in me and I just want to keep it simple" I replied. "I get it" she nodded thoughtfully. "I'm going to go take a nap" she said as she got up from my bed. "Don't knock her up" she said before she left. "Bye" I rolled my eyes.

That night, I FaceTimed Beth and we talked. We talked. For hours. We talked while I was in my ice bath. We talked while she was cooking for Jordan and Caitlin. We talked until her eyes started closing by themselves. We talked. And that night, after I fell asleep listening to her steady breathing. I had a dream. And it was beautiful. No gun, no death, no screams. Just, beautiful.

The alpha - MeadonkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant