~Chapter 2~

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I crack the door to the women's room expecting an abundance of noise from all my family and friends in the room, but I only hear two whispering voices...and I think crying...

Just as I'm about to turn around and leave, not wanting to disturb whoever was in there, I hear my mom's voice. "There, there. Everything's going to be alright. I know exactly how you feel."

"Oh Magna! How could I forget!? I'm such a horrible person. Lying all my troubles on you when you are going through the same thing." The queens voice cracked.

Oh. Queen Amberley was the one crying.

"No Your Majesty. I'm here for you. You don't have to worry about me at all. I'm here for you." It sounds as though they are hugging each other.

My heart breaks and warms at the same time. I realize I'm tearing up at the moment both my mothers are having. While it's beyond sad, both my father and Amberley's husband have died in the past few months. It's refreshing that they are there for each other.

"Thank you Magna. And please don't call me that. We are going to be related in a matter of days. I'm Amberley. Not the queen. That title belongs to your beautiful daughter."

"Of course Amberley." My mother tests the name out. "Though you should know, I can tell America is struggling. Every time someone addresses her as the queen, she flinches. I certainly don't know why, but I do know something is wrong. I can see it in her eyes and her movements."

"A mother always knows" They say to each other at the same time and giggle.

"I know how she feels. Adjusting to this life is difficult. Though I have to admit, I was more than pleased to change." She chuckles at herself, probably reliving memories of her wedding and coronation. "If it's alright with you of course, I would love to discuss it with her. Try to figure what's going on so I can help. I know I'm not you and can't possibly be as comforting, but I would love the chance to give her advice and learn more about my future daughter." I can feel the smile on my face. That is the best idea I think I have ever heard. 'I want to learn more about you to' I think to myself.

"That sounds wonderful!" My mother exclaims. "I know she absolutely adores you. Maybe even more then she does your son." They both crack with laughter. The Queen's a little more tame then my mothers, but that's to be expected.

"Speaking of Maxon, I really need to talk to him. It's not our job anymore to take care of her. It's his."

"Hey, a mother's job is never over! And you know my America. She is as independent as they come. She doesn't need anyone to take care of her. She just needs someone to love her."

As much as I love both of them, they are wrong about this. I'm the one who blocks Maxon out. He tries his hardest and I continue to do what I do best. I push him away. I really need to work on that. I'll talk to him tonight.

"You know what I love about our children so much?" Amberley starts. "They love each other so incredibly much. More than anyone could imagine. You should hear the way Maxon talks about her. Only ever good things. He tells me all the things he loves about her. When they argue, he tells me why she was right and he should have listened. He never defends himself. Only ever her."

"I know exactly what you mean. America always speaks highly of the man she loves. She talks about him constantly with her sister. And I sometimes overhear her talking when she's alone. Telling her dad every little detail about him and how she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him."

I blush. I didn't know she knew about that.

"That's precious. I really wish Maxon would talk to me about Clarkson, but he refuses to say a word. I know Clarkson was rough on him sometimes, but I really want Maxon to know what an amazing man is Father is...was..." I couldn't help but grunt at that. If only she knew..."I just want him to talk to me."

"Well, he's probably busy thinking about the wedding and all. America talks to May about Shalom but only ever talks to me about the wedding now-a-days. Maybe they just don't want to upset us?"

"I honestly have no idea. I think we just have to be there for them, and hold their hands when they are ready to talk."

Now I feel like crying. I didn't realize she was waiting for me to talk. I always just assumed she didn't want to talk about it. I decide I'm done listening to their conversation and silently close the door back. I turn a corner and bump straight into Marlee.


"Marlee! Where were you? I thought we were going to look at flowers."

"Ummm...ya about that..."

Oh no. What happened. I can feel the confusion spread across my face. "Marlee? What is it?"

"Well we may, have, kinda, done it without you..." She scrunches her face up in anticipation, thinking I'm going to be mad.


"Well your mom told us that you were a little stressed out, so us girls went and picked out the flowers for you." She pauses taking in my blank face. "I really think your going to like them..." she says quietly.

"Oh Marlee!!! Thank you! Thank you!" I jump up and down. She gasps in surprise as I wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "This means so much to me Marlee! Thank you!"

"Of course America! I didn't know Your Royal Highness would be so happy about it!" I try to contain my smile, not wanting her to know that those words upset me. As excited as I am, her calling me "your royal highness" just makes me want to cry.

"Thanks again Marlee, but I've got to go." Before she can say anything I push past her and run straight to my room.

About thirty minutes later Maxon comes into my room. I'm sitting on my bed staring at the wall. "America? What's wrong darling? Marlee said you were acting strange." I turn my head away from him and sink into the covers.

"I can't do this." It's a statement. A fact.

"Love, what are you talking about? You are doing great. The best queen there has ever been!" I shut my eyes at those words. A silent tear rolls down my cheeks. He climbs into the bed, and holds me, stroking my hair. "You have already done so much the past two months. I know it's a lot. I know we barely get to see each other because of all the work. I know this week has been filled with everything wedding. I know it's been hard. But I also know that you can do it. We can do it. Together."

I don't have the heart to tell him what I'm really feeling at the moment. So there's only one thing to say.

"Celeste. I need to talk to Celeste."

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