The three of us continued to sit around and hash things out, getting all the old prejudices aside and all the hurtful things we said to each other out in the open in order to heal. I made sure to take a break long enough to leave Brian a voicemail of what to expect when he got home so he didn't feel like he walked into an ambush. "You really do care a great deal about him don't you?" daddy asked softly after he listened to me leave a message. "I do daddy. I really do. Right from day one he has always understood me, never pushed me, always supported me and protected me. Other than his outward appearances he is everything you should want in a man for me to marry and even after a while you'll start to not even see his rock star appearance. You'll just see Brian Haner...the man who is loving and caring for your daughter for the rest of their lives" I finished with barely contained emotions. Daddy took my hand and looked hard at my ring before smiling and kissing my forehead "He sure sounds great" daddy choked out before pulling me into one of his famous bear hugs, his height and stocky frame smothering me completely.


I finally spotted Brian's car pulling into the parking space in front of our condo and I went outside to meet him by the car. "Did you get my message?" I asked cautiously; I wasn't sure how this meeting was going to be, Brian still had every right to be angry and I could see anger flick across his face for a second before he took a deep breath and nodded his head slightly. "I did...I also don't know if I'm up for this babe. I'm really tired and I don't feel like fighting" he stated wearily as he slammed the door shut and pinched the bridge of his nose. "At least hear him out maybe? I think you'll be surprised" I offered cautiously after a minute. Brian looked down at me for a minute before kissing my forehead quickly "Okay...I'll do it for you angel" he stated softly before taking my hand in his and walking up to the front door. "Here goes nothing" he muttered softly and opened the screen door only to have Pinkly pounce on his legs happily, her tail wagging like crazy. "Well hi to you too pretty girl" he stated with a happy voice as he scooped our pup up and scratched the fur behind her ear affectionately. After a few minutes Brian finally turned and faced my parents who were both standing in the living room next to the couches. Brian and I walked over and sat together on the love seat facing my parents, a united front of sorts, I made sure to take hold of Brian's hand as soon as we sat, letting him know that I was always on his side and would back him up and our relationship as well. "Callie said you wanted to talk to me?" Brian stated evenly in a deadpan voice, his eyes piercing into my dad's soul it seemed like.

"That I did son" daddy stated firmly "I am so incredibly sorry for the way I have treated the both of you. Both individually and together as a couple. It was cruel and harsh and undeserving. All because I couldn't stand the thought of losing another child" he managed to choke out. Daddy took a minute to regain his composure before continuing, Brian's grip on my hand remained solid and firm the whole time. "It's taken a lot of thinking and a lot of common sense from her mother to make me see that this isn't the 1800's anymore and we don't live in the Deep South which is all I had engrained into me since I was a boy. I always envisioned my children going to prestigious colleges, finding well mannered, southern bred spouses and living high on the hog. But...when I tried to force one child into that life style I lost him...forever. And I don't want that to happen with her" daddy's voice shook with unshed tears before he sniffed hard and continued on. "When you two became an item I kept telling myself it was just a high school fling, it wouldn't last long but when I saw how two were around each other when you thought no one was paying attention, or how protective you got of her I realized there was more to your relationship than what I thought and it scared me. I always wanted to be the man she ran to for help or advice, the man she leaned on and depended on and when I saw that you became that man to her well...I lost my marbles so to speak and I did some regrettable things that I will never be able to erase or take back. All I can do is mend my ways, offer my apologies over and over and hope that you'll find it in your heart to forgive me and start anew because I cannot lose another child...and I so want to be called 'Papa' someday" he stated with a hopeful smile as momma squeezed his hand.

I watched Brian soak up what daddy said for a minute or two before he nodded his head and smiled "I'm willing to start over if you are...and if you're willing to accept the fact that I will provide and love her with every fiber in my being. She's all I've ever wanted since we met." Daddy smiled and stood up as he held his hand out to Brian "I can totally accept that. I know all this now" he stated as him and Brian shook hands.

And just like that the potential feud that could have spanned my father's lifetime was over. We sat around and talked the rest of the day and well into the night and by the time momma and daddy stated they had to leave in order to catch their flight back, daddy and Brian were actually laughing and cracking jokes together making momma and I shake our heads in disbelief. "Princess you make sure you keep me updated on the wedding details and if you need help financially you just let me know. This will probably be one of the best things to spend my money little girls wedding" he stated lovingly as he hugged me before departing, promising to call once they were back in Georgia.

"Well...that went better than I ever thought it would" Brian chuckled as he shut the door after we waved goodbye to my parents. "Same here baby, I was so worried that daddy was here to start world war III with us but he thankfully proved me wrong. I couldn't be any happier right now if I tried" I stated with a happy, contented smile as Brian wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Oh yea? Well how about I take your gorgeous self upstairs and see if I can't make you even happier yet" Brian stated with gruff tones as his hands slid down and around my ass before picking me up easily in his arms to carry me up to our bedroom.

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