New student

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Amaya's Pov.
I woke up and did my usual thing, then started to day dream about Connor and then immediately snap out of it and went to school with my best friend Connor and Greg.
Amaya : I heard there are gonna be new students in our school.
Connor and Greg : Yeah everyone knows.
They all reach at school and went to the class room.
Teacher : Hello students as you heard new students are coming so make them feel like their own school.
Teacher : Okay here are the new students.
Teacher : Why don't you introduce  yourself and tell about yourself.
Mia : Hello I am Mia and also Amaya's cousin sister.
Nick : Hello I am Nick and also I am Connor cousin brother.
Mia and Nick : And also we are from the school called rose elementary.
Teacher : Thanks now you can seat in your place.
Teacher : Mia why don't you seat next to Greg and Nick you can stay next to Connor.
After the class the pjmask and their cousins were talking to each other.
Connor : So why did you came here.
Mia and Nick : Because a crazy coo coo bird kid is using his invention to make the school crazy but our parents couldn't take the crazy school anymore.
Connor, Amaya and Greg : Was his name Romeo.
Mia and Nick : How did you know his name.
Connor : Just a lucky guess.
Mia : Oh I almost forget Amaya did you tell Connor that you love. Before she could finish that Amaya cover her mouth and said that I still love my favorite singer.
Amaya : Can you excuse me and Mia for a moment.
Connor : Oh ok.
Mia and Amaya then went a little far away from the boys.
Mia : What was that for😠😠.
Amaya : Sorry but I still didn't told him.
Mia : Why?
Amaya : What if he doesn't love me.
Mia : You won't never find out if you keep on backing off.
Amaya : I think you are right.
Then Amaya and Mia came back to them.
Then Random kids came and said why is the playground sticky and there are strange glowing dust.
Connor : Um Mia and Nick I think me, Amaya and Greg have forgotten something.
Mia and Nick : Oh ok bye.
Then Connor, Amaya and Greg went to their house.
Connor : A night time villain is up to it and I just know who.
Amaya : Right.
Greg : Pjmask we are on our way.
All : Into the night to save the day.

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