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I saw the girl.
She was talking to Stupid Deku, I froze where i was standing.
She was gorgeous.
Brown, cropped hair, that fell just under her slim shoulders, Cheeks that make her look like a Mochi.
A very cute one, not to mention her massive tit- know I let my mind wonder, I'm not gonna finish that sentence.
Deku looked like he was flustered. I would be to, if it was me talking to that beauty.
I think he's embarrassed, he did nearly drop in his broccoli face.
She is so cute.
A gem like her has no business talking to that worthless Deku.
I wanted to put him in his place, he shouldn't be talking to that Angel.
He doesn't deserve to be loved at all!
I know what I'm saying may be harsh, he deserves it.
Ever since we were kids, he's been looking down on me, like he was superior.
He didn't even have a quirk!!!
At first, I was just trying to keep him tough so he could look after himself when he did end up getting a quirk.
However, that day never came, he didn't develop a quirk. I then  started to try and force the quirk out of him, by making him mad.  That didn't work either, all he did was cry like a wimp.
I finally had enough, that is when I had snapped!
I no longer wanted to help him.
I no longer wanted to see him with a quirk.
He... was... Beneath me!
He always had been and he always will be.
I manifested the name Deku for him, it suits him perfectly.
Deku means worthless, stupid and useless!
He was a good for nothing, quirkless loser and that was all he would ever be.
I walked up into the class I would be in for the rest of this year and I saw the face I had hoped I wouldn't.
What the HELL is he doing here!?
This is the hero course.
You can't be a hero with no quirk unless... All these years Deku... Was lying to me about having no quirk.
That little bastard wouldn't dare sell out on me like that... Would he?
I mean, he wouldn't right... Right?

OU- umm... Is this...
I turned around, that was the voice.
The voice of the girl.
The voice that gave me satisfaction.
The voice that calmed me.
It was the girl, the girl I had first set my eyes on when I stepped in the gates.

430 words
Thank you so much guys for your support I have just gotten back to school so the chapters might not come out when you would like but thank you to the people who took time out of their days to read my book and a special thank a to Kacchako504 for voting my story I really appreciate the support thank you

xox Xileya

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