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Walking out of my dorm, I realized 3 things.
1. I was late for school and breakfast time was already up.
2. I was going to be giving detention.
3. My only saving grace was to lie, a white lie.
Now the problem is, there's no lie coming to mind.
As a tiptoed out of my room, I scanned the area to check if there was any enemy on the way. Luckily, coast was clear till I met our hall warden. He was red in the face with anger.
"Kyla Candice Inago, why are you still in the dormitory courtyard", he asked, looking as furious as ever.
"Uh, if you don't mind Sir, it's Lyla not Kyla. Lyla Astrea Patel", I said with a grin on my face.
"That doesn't answer my question, young lady"
"Actually sir, I was.. I ah....yhyh, I came back to get Indigo's uniform"
"Indigo?? Why do you have his uniform? "
"The other day I spilled coffee mistakenly on his shirt and I had to wash it. I forgot it and I came back to get it. ", I lied.
He looked at me with uncertainty in his eyes, damn, if I wasn't used to him I would have peed in my pants. "Where is it? The uniform? ",he demanded as he stretched out his hands.
Luckily, I had Andy's uniform, he made me wash it, what a friend. I better remember to thank him later. He scanned through the uniform.
"You may go but the next time I see you here you're going to have to do the janitor's work"
"Yes, Sir", I said as I ran off.
Hump, that was a narrow escape but that was just the beginning of the Indigo lies.
Somehow, his name seemed to get me out of punishments, tough assignments, detentions. It was like a magic word.

"Astrea, where have you been? And, what's up with all the Indigo lies? ", Parker asked confused. I sat him down and gave him a break down of how my days, weeks have been going smoothly with just the name, Indigo.
" haha Karma's a bitch,just make sure he doesn't get back at you. I heard from my sources that, Indigo's not to be taken lightly. He has a hot temper, besides, he gave a guy a black eye recently".
"Really, I didn't know he was that hot tempered.", I said.
"Just be careful Astrea, you can't afford to die when you haven't told me how much you love me", he said as he kissed my cheek.
"Eww, Andy, get off. ", I said as I wiped my cheek.
"You can wipe it off babe, it's lethal. Wait, did you just call me Andy? ", he said as he laughed harder.
"Of course not, why would I do that? "
" We're not exactly close you know ", I said as I ran off.
He always tickles me until I admit we're friends. So I ran off.
Jumping through half walls, running on slabs, bumping into several buddies. I didn't even realize when I accidentally hit someone and I was like "Sorry, I'm running an errand for Indigo"
Apparently, the person didn't buy that and pulled me back. "You're going the wrong way", he said with a smirk on his face.
Shit, the dude who pulled me back was Jair Cole Indigo.
Earth please open up, Moon goddess please trap me in a picture, I'm dead.
As he pulled me towards the locker room, I could only say my last prayers although I had lots of regrets.

"So what errand where you running for Indigo?? ",he said still smirking.
"I ahh... See, Indigo. I'm sorry, it was a horrible attempt at a lie. It won't happen again", I said with hope that he'll let it go.
"Just like you said the other times"
"Huh, which other times? ". He couldn't have heard about my lies ,could he??
" The time you said, I had you do my laundry because you spilled coffee on my shirt or when I said you should get a Zodiac documentary from the school library or... "
His voice drowned as I interrupted.
"It's not my fault your name works wonders"
"Sorry?? ",he asked.
Shit, did I say that out loud.
Arghh, not again. He had this funny look on his face, his eyes were lit for the first time. I admit, he looked more handsome up close. His sharp jawline made my mouth water. Wait, is it me or is he moving closer??

"I'm not letting you off that easily",he said as he dragged my bag and took out my Science notebook. "I'm gonna borrow this",he said. I was too lost in my own world to even process anything till he left.

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