Chapter One

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Varian stood at the gate, waiting to greet the princess. Soon, a dark blue carriage pulled up, and a young woman stepped out.

Varian's breath hitched. They said she was pretty but they were wrong. She was absolutley breathtaking. She had soft black curls that fell to her shoulder, with a black calla lily tucked behind her ear. Her gown was a dark blue with black designs.

"You must be Prince Varian of the Dark Kingdom." she said, holding out her hand for him to shake it.

He smirked, and grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it.

"And you must be Princess Cassandra of Luna. I wasn't informed of your beauty beforehand." he said, using the flirts Eugene had taught him as a kid.

Instead of the expected blushing, stuttering mess (as it had been with Rapunzel), she simply raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Are people supposed to inform people of that? I didn't know that was a rule here."

Varian's eyes widened in surprise, before recomposing himself.

"Well, it isn't a rule, but perhaps we should make it one."

"Why, so you can find yourself a really pretty woman?" she asked sarcastically.

"I doubt anyone would catch my eye but you."

A light rose color dusted her cheeks, which didn't go unnoticed by Varian. Encouraged, he continued.

"After all, I'm pretty sure there's no other goddesses in this land, am I right?"


"Mhm. Beautiful, perfect, not of this world."

The color in her cheeks was starting to become slightly more visible.

"Well... Uh-" she stuttered.

Now he was getting the expected reaction.

"What? I don't have a habit of lying you know. I usually just say the brutally honest truth." he leaned in close to her ear. "You really are the most beautiful woman I've seen."

Cassandra's face was flaming now.

Varian heard someone clear their throat. He looked up to see Eugene standing with his arms crossed.

"If you two are done flirting now, Uncle Quirin wants to see you both in the throne room. But by all means, if you were going to kiss, don't let me stop you."

Cass took off her heel and threw it at him. It hit his head, causing him to pass out.

"You know, that might have been the greatest moment of my entire life." Varian commented, grinning.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "I have to go get ready to meet your father. Goodbye."

"You're already dressed up."

"I still need to apply make up. Even if I hate to."

"Why? To cover up that blush. I think it looks quite cute on you."

"I-You-Ugh!" she cried, exasperated before storming off.

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