Chapter 2: Deprived Freedom

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Katarina's Perspective:
"Father. I can't just marry some stranger! This is just wrong! I cannot possible agree to this." The duke looked furious, how could her daughter not accept the marriage? This boy was an amazing talent, skilled in all areas and a remarkable swordsman.
"Katarina, why? Is there someone you already like..?" Katarina could feel her cheeks go red from embarrassment, how could she like someone? It was impossible. Completely and utterly impossible. But.. If she didn't like anyone, why would she feel this way? The duke gave Katarina a questioning look before waving her out of the study, this was definitely an issue, he cherished his daughter dearly and would never force her into anything but, a marriage with another duke house would be beneficial to them.. Inside Katarina's room was her sitting on the edge of her bed sighing and shaking her head. Ever since she reincarnated as Katarina Claes, things have all gone wrong. It's completely different from the original plot and her heart's been acting up recently, could she have some heart disease?
"Keith, have I been acting funny lately?" Keith, was Katarina's non-blood-related brother and someone who she grew up with. They were quite close and Katarina was extremely fond of her brother too.
"Well.. Sort of?" Keith looked at Katarina with concern, why was she asking him this? Did something happen? Katarina seemed to be in shock, was it that accident in the pub? No way could it have been that, Katarina blamed it on her dinner from last night.
"Yes, it must be that!" Keith turned around and asked what "that" was and Katarina simply smiled and skipped along down the stony path.

Maria's Perspective:
Maria settled down on her bed and gazed at the ceiling, what would it be like for Katarina to realise her admiration and love towards her. Wouldn't that just be delightful? She couldn't wait to attend Magic School, she was certain that they'd be tonnes of opportunities to talk with Katarina about all sorts of things. The thought of that happening even made her heart tingle, how she desired to receive the love from her goddess.
"Maria! Wake up! You need to head down to the village to purchase some milk, we're running low on it!" Maria called back a yes before quickly changing into a nice, simple dress and leather boots.
"Oh look.. it's the Campbell girl.." As Maria walked down the path to purchase the milk, there were tonnes of people gossiping about her..
"It's the illegitimate child.." Maria was used to all these remarks about her, she basically grew up listening to them. She could see horses and a carriage coming through so she walked to the side to make way for them, inside the carriage was Katarina Claes. The carriage paused almost right in front of Maria and out hopped Katarina, she didn't seem to notice that Maria was right in front of her so she walked down the path and turned into an alley.
"Oh my, another rich family." The milk lady tsked and handed the bottle of milk to Maria and smiled gently to her, the milk lady was one of the few people who didn't judge Maria for her strange background.
"Thank you! I'll make sure to come again next week." Before returning back to her cosy cottage, she decided to follow Katarina down the sketchy alley to see what she came for.
"Do you.. have the money?" A hooded figure stood in front of Katarina holding a bottle of colourful liquid. Katarina nodded and handed a satchel of money to the hooded figure in exchange for the bottle. Maria moved forward a bit and accidentally stepped on a thin twig. *Crack.* Katarina turned around, unsheathed her sword and pointed it directly at Maria's neck, after realising who it was, Katarina instantly sheathed her sword.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Miss Campbell! I thought you were someone suspicious..." Maria trembled in fear but then sighed and smiled at Katarina, Katarina took this as her acceptance of her apology then waved to Maria and left the alley.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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