Chapter 1

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So did you find her? A bossy tone came out of his mouth
"No sir" his Assistant responded *Bang* He slammed his fists in the table because of anger but calmed down within a minute *Agressively inhales* Your fired! He shouted at his Assistant and quickly walked out of his room. He arched his head back at the chair because of stress *If they can't find you  i'll  find you with my own then* He mumbles before leaving the room

Y/N Pov

I'm walking home from my last shift and I'm extremely exhausted but hungry at the same time. Luckily I found a convenient store that opens 24 hours.The bell rings once i opened the door making the cashier face at me. Hi Good Evening ma'am She greeted me with a smiling face. You can get whatever you want she smiled. After that I searched for Ramen and a Bottle of water. As soon as i finished searching I paid the food and seated Not so far at the mysterious looking guy. Not gonna lie he looks so Charming with his hoodie on and a pair of sweatpants with a plain black mask. But he is too busy to see me because he is calling someone.
I started eating my ramen while scrolling through my phone but i felt two eyes staring at me I look up to see the mysterious charming man looking at me and then he Seated in front of me? I continued scrolling through my phone pretending i didn't see him. He clears his throat
"Hi" he said with a deep yet soft voice H-hi I responded with a shy and trembling voice Are you scared? He asked while furrowing his brows. N-no of course not haha I said with a nervous chuckle at the end. Can we be friends? He asked while showing his cute eye smile.
Sure! I replied with excitement and smile.

Before that incident:
??:After i got back in the basement I came in the bathroom to freshen up.The warm water was making me relax and calm.
After 20 mins.
After that relaxing shower I search in my wardrobe.What will I wear? That's the only question that is wondering in my mind.I give up.I picked my hoodie and sweatpants and quickly grab my plain black mask and car key. I drove into the park. That's the only way to ged rid of my stress. Jumping off out the car I sat in the bench not so far from my car. It was so quiet and windy all you can hear is the crickets cricking and the trees swaying. It became bored I wanted to go home but then I spotted a convenient store. I entered it and saw the cashier greeting me with smiley face. I smiled back. I grab a soju and paid for it. I sat in the vacant chair and scrolled onto my phone.
Ring ring:
My phone buzzed...
I quickly answered it
:Bro She's coming there
                        :In where?
                       :Oh HER ok ok
:So how's work earlier
            *Their chatters

Not so long the bell rings signaling there's a new costumer going to buy I stared at her while she's ordering and grabbing something She looks interesting my mind said.
But I'm still on my phone She sat in 2 chairs past by me. Watching her feature eating ramen and scrolling through her phone looks angelic. Not until she looks up Darn it! I mumbled to myself. I ended the call

          :See ya tom. Bro
          Beep Beep Beep

I fixed myself and went to her. Mhmhm I cleared my throat and said Hi to her H-hi she answered shyly but her faced looks scared Are you scared? I asked her N-no ahaha she chuckled nervously. I asked her again Wanna be friends?. Yes!! She exclaimed happily.

Continuation of the incident*

Y/n: So what's your name?
???: Taehyung my name is Taehyung nice to meet you
He said as he extended an arm for me to shake
Y/n: Nice to meet you too Taehyung Y/n my name is Y/n I shaked his extended arm
Taehyung: So uhm can i have your number?
Y/n: Yea sure here it is
Taehyung: Thanks :)
I said happily
Y/n: You're welcome
She smiled beautifully
Y/n: So I gotta go its now 12 am
I said as I checked my wrist watch
Taehyung: Yea me too. do you want me to drop you in your house?
Y/n: No its okay
I said hesitantly
Taehyung: Come on there's no such uber this late at night
Y/n: Fine

We went outside and I followed him and went to his car Awesome I murmured quietly for him not to hear
He opened the car door for me Such a gentleman My thought said. As soon as he gets in the ride was quiet. He decided to break it

Taehyung: So uh can you tell me your address?
Y/n: Oh its xxx*** street
Taehyung: Ohh i see
Do you live with your parents?
Y/n: Myea but my mom left me when I was 13 years old
So obviously I live with my dad
Taehyung: Oh how about siblings do you have one?
Y/n: My mom said I have one but she was miscarriage
Taehyung: Ohh that's sad
Y/n: Yea

*The car brakes*

I guess were here
Taehyung said.
Y/n: *Smiles* Thank you
Drive safely. I waved after I saw his car disappeared.

Next chapter may take a while:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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