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"Really, Kid? You could have just told me you were bored. You didn't have to just go and get kidnapped like that!!"

"Excuse me? I just brought down a kidnapper, an illegal person doing illegal things. The words you're looking for are 'Thank you'." Her winged mentor walked beside her as she escaped her prison for the past two days. It really wasn't a prison, she could have gotten out at any time. It did provide an escape from the monotony. "Besides I wouldn't have to go and get kidnapped if you would take me off of patrol. I can read you. I know there's something you're not telling me, Sir."

Hawks shook his head. "First things first, We find Endeavor."

"No. First things first, I go home and take a nap. Please..." She practically begged "... I've just been kidnapped and I'd rather go back than talk to that wall of entitlement."

"Kid You wanted exciting. I promise you this is going to be exciting.".

"Look Goldilocks. It's Endeavor. Why should I care?"

"He found a work-study Kid." Ace stopped in her tracks, who the hell would he find who could tolerate him?

The Switch program originally tried to get Ace to Mentor under Endeavor being the number one Hero, but Ace refused. As soon as she saw him, she saw every part of him. Every little flaw, every single misdeed done to Toya, Natsuo, Fuyumi. What he put Shoto through.

" Uggh...Fine. But you owe me." Gaze muttered.

"I already do." Hawks laughed and started flying above the alley-ways. "They're probably on patrol already."

"It shouldn't be hard to find him. He's kind of on fire!" she shouted up to the feather.

"Shut up Kid! Use your quirk, find him, this'll go faster!"

"No! What part of 'quirk completely drained' don't you get, Flyboy!?" Hawks motioned to the cup in his hands and dropped it down to Ace. Surprisingly his aim was impeccable. The cup landed in Ace's hand only dribbling a few drops on her boots. "You no longer owe me." she smiled and drank down the liquid gold.

"Yeah... I've seen you before your coffee Kid. It's not pretty."

"Shut up." She laughed. She untucked her glasses from the waistband of her skirt. They weren't necessary, but they made her look cooler. She searched the surrounding areas for Endeavor's DNA signature and found it a few blocks away. "Found him!"

Hawks took a feather and carried her to the block where she had last sensed Endeavor. It only took them a few minutes to catch up to them.

"Heeey! Endeavor, who's the New Chick?" Hawks walked up to the intern, spun her round and kissed her hand.

Ace immediately recognized the shocked face of the half green hair of the girl in front of her. Gaze pulled Hawks off of her. "Easy Sir, she's a little out of your price range. How ya doing Alex?"

"Wait...You know her?"

"Yeah, Sir," she said, staring back into Alex's bright blue eyes. When Gaze used her quirk on Endeavor and Alex they looked like night and day. She saw everything contained in Endeavor, so the hurt, pain, anger, and pride. But...Alex. Nothing, a name, a quirk, birthday, Nada. Endeavor and Alex. It was too much of everything and nothing.

Gaze in a soft whisper to Hawks," She's broken my quirk."


Ace walked up to Endeavor. "I'm surprised you got someone to put up with you, Mr. High and Mighty. What, did you blackmail her?" She met Endeavor once, and that was enough for her.

When The Mighty Fall-- OC BNHA FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now