"Yes Azalia?" I spoke as I opened my car door

"Hello, Christopher? This is Joy. Listen, I don't know where you are currently but I just wanted you to know that Azalia is in the hospital right now. I just got home from work and I came to my house and she was laying across my damn couch" Joy said through a cracked voice. What in the actual fuck? My chest got heavy as hell and I caught a tear that fell down. I cleared my throat and pulled it together for her mother.

"What do you mean she was laying across your couch? I didn't speak to her in about three days so I had no idea about any of this. I'm not even in L.A right now-" I began to say as I got into my car and I sped down the street to the hotel I was staying at. 

After The Show 

Brielle Anyea

"So what do you say Brielle? I think this would be good for you" My mother said as she munched on her pasta. We just got back to the hotel and we ordered from Olive Garden. Chris hasn't texted me all damn day and Tiffany fell asleep after I sent her all of the pictures from tonight. She stayed up until my show was over so I know she needed rest. 

"So I'm talking to myself? Okay" Mommy said as she walked to the kitchen and through away her plate. I didn't even notice that I didn't answer her. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, my career and just everything in general. 

"I'm sorry mom. I think it'll be good for me. I'm tired of walking in different heels every other week. I think me doing photo shoots half the time and switching it up with the runway walk will be good for me" I explained. I gained a smile from her so I know she wasn't upset about me not answering her. Her phone began to ring and she walked into her room and cracked the door. Probably another business partnership that she has going on. I hesitated to call Chris but I did it anyway. I did it without and thinking and it rung all the way through. No answer? I hope everything is alright with him. It's not really like him to not text or answer all day. I lowkey don't want to leave, you get tired of seeing the same environment and the same people every single day ya know? I just needed a well needed vacation. I walked into my room after changing into my PJ'S for the night. I plugged my phone onto the charger on the night stand, before I walked away Chris's name pop's up on my screen. Someone is going to live a long live. 


"Yeah B um.. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your show tonight. I feel crazy as hell right now. I was damn near an hour late to my performance if it makes you feel any better" 

"Damn, well I bet they still sung along and danced as if nothing ever happened. And don't feel bad. Things happen.. speaking of. What exactly did happen that backed you up today?" 

It went silent for a second to the point where I thought he hung up on me. 

"You there?" 

"Yeah I'm here. It's just complicated at the moment. I gotta sort some things out,get some answers and shit ya know? Shit like that but Ima make it up to you. Probably next month" 

"Next month? That's a whole 4 weeks" 

"Welcome to being friends with Chris Brown.. but just giving you a heads up I'm not gonna be able to talk to you like that. Which is why I said ima make it up to you" 

Not even gonna lie to you? I'm going to miss him. I can't let him know that though. 

"I know you gonna miss me, Ima miss you too. Hopefully it goes by fast" 

"Yeah me too. How was your show overall? Besides the lateness" 

"Ima hit you in the morning. You leaving tomorrow or the day after?" 

"Tomorrow. I gotta go back to work" 

"When you gonna quit that shit? Too damn cute to be working in somebody's Walmart. Sorry not sorry" 

I chuckled and seen Tiffany trying to beep in. 

"I don't know but Ima text you. My friend on the other line" 

"Hanging up on me for some lil trick? Okay" He said in a jealous girl tone making me laugh then switch over. 

"Heyy Bitchh" Tiffany said 

"Heyy girl. What you up to?" 

"Shit, just made dinner for my baby and I. You know next weekend is my birthday right?" 

"Oh wow I didn't actually. What you doing for it?" 

"Honestly? I'm trying to go to Dubai. Already been looking up plane ticket prices and everything. You coming right?" 

"Of course I'm coming. You my girl and ya birthday gonna be fun as hell" 

"Yess I can't wait. I'm bringing my cousin. He single, dark skin and love him a full sized woman. And you Miss Brielle? Is as fine as they get"

"Stop it, you're going to make me blush. What makes you think I want a man?"

"Every time I check ya damn Instagram story, it consists of the word's I need a man to cuddle with. You literally be reposting that same ass post all the time like I don't peep" 

I busted out laughing because why she exposing me like this? It be ya own people 

"Alright well so what if I am. I'm not about to get my heart attached and have that shit break.I know myself" 

"Girl, I know you heard this before but my cousin isn't like that. Just wait until you meet him. If ya'll don't click? I won't force anything I promise" 

"Don't lie bitch" 

"Oh my goshh I'm not. Now stop talking about it before I change my mind" 

"The disrespect that I receive is crazy.


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