Chapter 2: Off The Hook

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Biting down on his lip, Jeff made his way back to the kitchen. Jack looked surprised to see him in one piece. He chocked on his breakfast and smirked. "Hey! Your alive man! Did he burn you?!" Jeff shook his head, still blushing slightly. Sally hopped out of seat and grabbed her blood covered teddy off the table. Approaching Jeff, she tugged on his hoodie. He looked down at her, "What did Benny do then?" Jeff shrugged, not wanting to talk. Jeff grabbed the milk carton and took a swig, before putting it back and sighing loudly. Slendy's blank face was toward Jeff. The killer caught his gaze. "What?"

"What have you done to Ben?" Jeff was taken back by the question. He was a little hurt by it really. "Me?! I didn't do anything! He attacked me then crashed into me! He went up stairs!" Slendy just stared at Jeff. Folding up his news paper, he threw his long legs over the side of the chair and stood up. The three watched him leave, until he stopped by the door. "I'll just ask Ben..." Jeff threw his arms in the air, annoyed. "You never believe me!" Slenderman ignored him and went up stairs.

Angry, Jeff screamed and stomped his foot down on the floor hard. Jack took a sip of his water and looked at Jeff, "Well... someones on their period..." Sending EJ a death glare, Jeff crossed his arms. His blood boiling. "Slendy always thinks its my fault! I didn't do anything!" Sally was now sitting on the floor playing with her teddy. She made the stuffed animal walk on the floor and giggled. Jeff huffed and snatched it off her, "HEY! GIVE HIM BACK!" Sally stood up and stomped her foot. Jeff held the bear by its foot and gawked at it. "Aren't you a little old to be playing with teddy bears?" he snickered. Sally crossed her arms. "Aren't you a little old to be bulling a kid!" Throwing the teddy in her face, he stormed out. "I hate you all..." he mumbled. 


"Ahhh..." he sighed happily, taking in the smoke. Hiding behind his bed, Ben took another drag from the pot and blew it out into the air. He felt his troubles melting away with every breath of the fumes he took. There was a knock at the door, Ben grunted. "WHAT?!" he yelled, not even bothering to look behind him. "Are you alright in there?" Slenderman asked. Ben huffed and inhaled again. "Never better!" He laughed. The door opened and Ben span around to see Slender in his door way. He rolled his red eyes and turned back to take another drag. Clenching his fists, he stormed over. He snatched the pipe out of Ben's hands. "Hey!" Slender crossed his arms, when he caught the sent. "Are you bleeding?!" Using his tentacle, he pushed Ben's head to the side and looked at the back of his head. He grunted, "I knew Jeff was lying! Did he smack you head into a wall or something?" Ben hit Slender away and grabbed his pipe. "Jeff didn't do anything! Get out of my room!" His words were quiet but harsh. Slenderman was so confused. "Then what happened to your-"

"Nothing! I tripped! Get out!" He pointed to the door, he wasn't in the mood. Sighing, Slendy started to leave, when he noticed the TV was on the Majora's Mask. "Were you playing?" Ben ignored him and sat down, relighting the pipe. Slenderman stopped and walked over to the game. About to turn it off, something caught his attention. The Link avatar was moving around, a human he presumed. But it was odd, the game was normal, but the avatar wasn't. It was moving far to fast, and the MP wasn't on the screen. Watching closely, he grabbed the remote and turned to the TV up, the human was talking. "Hello?! Ben? Are you there bro?" He dropped the remote. Launching his tentacles at Benny, he wrapped them around his neck and pulled him over. "AH! S-STOP!" He was chocking. Slenderman pointed to the screen. "YOU LET A HUMAN SEE YOU AND DIDN'T KILL THEM?!" Ben teared up. Calming down, Slender threw Ben to ground. He gasped for air, coughing. "Kill that boy! Now!" He demanded. Ben steadied his breathing and shook his head. "I d-don't want to..." Slender was about to blow a fuse. 

Stomping his feet angrily, Jeff walked down the hall when he heard screaming. He stopped and looked through the crack in the door. His eyes widened and he burst in. Slender was chocking Ben. His face was blue, hands twitching as the lack of oxygen over powered the small elf. Jeff jumped on Slenders back, holding his neck in a chock hold. "LET GO OF HIM!" He dropped Ben instantly. He was panting, watching Jeff attack Slenderman. Dropping from Slenders back, Jeff darted to Ben's side. "You alright?" Ben stared at him, speechless. He just nodded. Slenderman coughed, using the wall to help him stand. Checking Ben for injuries, Jeff confronted Slender. "WHY WERE YOU HURTING HIM!?" Jeff bellowed at well dressed man. Ben sat close to Jeff for protection. "H-he let a human live... and refuses to kill him..." Now facing Ben, Jeff stared at him. Ben's heart was beating out of his chest. "H-he... he was nice to me..." he mumbled an explanation. Jeff sighed and stood up, "Where is he?" he questioned Ben. He snivelled. "North Miami..." Helping Ben up, he ruffled his hair. "Chin up dude..." Ben's eyes widened slightly. Jeff took his knife out of his hoodie and looked at Slender. "I'll kill the human..." The two left Ben alone in his room.

Slenderman straightened his tie and turned to Jeff. Before he could speak, Jeff captured his tie and pulled his head down, "Touch him again and I slit you throat!" And with that he left.


Face blank, he stared into space. Pondering about what had just happened. Was Jeff protecting him? Realizing a hot breath, Ben bent down and picked up his hat, brushing off the dust. "Ben? What was that noise?" the boy on the TV asked. Ben placed his hat on, and picked up the controller. "Listen kid, I got in trouble for not killing you... I'm sorry..." the boy was speechless. Muting the TV, he sat cross legged, watching the character move around the screen, until it came to a sudden halt. Here we go... He thought, playing the volume louder. A pleasurable scream shot from the speakers, giving Ben a small smile. "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" The boy pleaded. A horrifying laugh boomed though his room, sending chills down Benny's spine. The child screamed once more, when he was silenced by a light, shushing. "Shhhhh... It's okay..." A soft whispered calmed him. "J-just go to sleep..." A small yelp was cut off by the sound of demotic laughter and the awful screech of a knife. Ben felt a blush coming on as he listened to Jeff's blissful laughter. Then the avatar started to move again, startling him. "Sup Benny!" Jeff snickered. Ben smirked and picked up his remote. "Hey... Thanks for-"

"Nah it's fine..." there was an awkward silence. Breaking the ice with a chuckle, Jeff killed the Link avatar. "Hey, weird how that kid kinda looked like me!" The dreaded blush crept up his cheeks, Jeff laughed louder. "Oh... His face was priceless! I swear to God he was actually falling asleep when I held him in a head lock!" Ben grinned, he loved Jeff's laugh. "Yeah..." he mumbled. Jeff stopped laughing, he became serious. "Are you okay? Your sure he didn't hurt you?" Nodding, he realized Jeff couldn't see him. The long silence only worried him more. Jeff stood up, "I'm coming back! Slenders dead!" He heard shuffling us Jeff hopped up to leave. He bit his lip. "Jeff no!"  The fidgeting stopped. "I'm fine really! It's my fault, I should have just killed the little prick in the first place..." 

"Come here..." Jeff said smoothly. Ben didn't quite understand, but claimed through the screen any way. Once again, stepping into the child's room. He saw the little boy with a slit throat laying on his bad, eyes closed... so peaceful. Jeff stood in front of him, drenched in the boys blood. Ben gulped, just staring at him, neither of them saying a word. Jeff opened his arms out wide, approaching Ben. He had no idea what he was doing, until it was done. Grasping the small elf in a tight hug, Jeff smiled. "Come here shorty!" Ben teared up and wrapped his arms around Jeffs neck, hugging him back. M-maybe he does like me...

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