Daddy Sanders: Chapter Two

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"Dude, dude! Wake up! You've got work!" Exclaims James while shaking you.

"Holy shit! You're right!" You jump out of bed and run to the kitchen.

"Come on, man! Put on some pants!" James exclaims while shielding his eyes. You quickly pull on your McDonald's uniform and run to the kitchen to get some breakfast. You throw a slice a bread into the toaster and run to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You run through your apartment and grab your toast on your way to your bike. 

As you pass the KFC you catch a glimpse of the handsome man you met the night before. He was opening his restaurant, and you realized that he would be done by the time you got to work! You were going to be late!

When you got to McDonald's you found the door unlocked and you knew you were in trouble. You walk in to find your boss standing with his arms crossed. You curse under your breath.

"You're late." He scolds.

"Sorry sir. It won't happen again." You stammer.

You speedwalk into the back to get your apron, cleaners, and a rag. You clean the tables and windows, then mop the floor. You go into the back to put the supplies away when you hear the bell over the door ring.

"Already? We just opened!"

You walk back to the counter only to find the same sexy man from the previous night. Your heart beats faster, and you get butterflies in your stomach. You catch your reflection in the window and see that you're blushing.

"Welcome to McDonald's sir. How can I help you?" You barely manage to blurt the words out.



"Call me Sanders. Colonel Sanders."

"O-ok, Mr.Sanders."

"What can I get for you today?"

"I'll have the special."

"Ok, one McFlurry coming right-"

"No," he interrupts. "I'll have the special."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Meet me in front of KFC tomorrow at seven PM. Don't be late." He says after placing a quarter on the counter.

Your day continues normally, but Colonel Sanders stays in the back of your mind for the rest of your shift. When you try to sleep that night, but you can't stop thinking about that sexy man...

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