Ralof - Love at First Dragon

Start from the beginning

"What is your real name, Whisperer, Lurker?" It was her turn to chuckle. She waited a long time to give a response. She wasn't going to give it to just anyone. But Ralof seemed to be a trustworthy person.

"Katari." She thought for moment. "But if I were to give myself a title, it would be Gentle-Song."

"Why so, Katari?" She shivered when Ralof said her name. She hadn't heard anyone say it to her in a long time, she liked the sound.

"I like to sing."

"Gentle suits you. You should sing for me though, I think. I bet you have a wonderful set of pipes." He said.


"You heard me. Sing."

"I... Oh why not..." Katari took in a shallow breath and let the air flow out, creating beautiful notes. Ralof held his breath for he had never heard such a raw, beautiful sound.

"The beating heart of a beast is a jagged sound.

The creatures of the forest must stay close to the ground.

Fear is present in their hearts and his hunger lingers.

When Hircine has claimed his victim and the victim's strength hinders.

Stars of the night sky,

Guide me through the moonlight,

For I don't want to die alone.

But how can I sleep tonight,

When fear takes me as its own?

And the beast is lurking just outside my home?

Will Hircine claim me before the sunrise,

Or will I find a way to survive?

For I am just a girl, a weak and puny thing.

What power do I have over the daedra,

Except the power in my soul when I sing?

The beating heart of Hircine is wild in my ear, and all I feel is the fear.

Can someone save me from myself before I shed my last tear?"

Ralof was quiet. He just thought about Katari, who was laying in his arms. She was so innocent, yet so hardened by what she had gone through her whole life.

They sat there in silence for many minutes, just happy to be comforted by each other after what they had seen at Helgen. Ralof broke the silence.

"You sing beautifully, Katari. You have a gentle soul. One that shall never be claimed by Hircine. You will go to Sovngarde and sing for all the heros of old. And they will love you." Ralof said. Each word was forcefully driven into her mind. He meant it. She was beautiful in his eyes.

"Thank you." She nuzzed back into his side and he wrapped his large arms around her. But he squeezed too hard. She yelped out in pain and started to cough uncontrollably. Ralof immediately went into action. He quickly laid the Nord on the ground and threw off her borrowed armor. What he saw scared him. Her cream colored tunic was drenched in a sticky, red liquid.

"Katari, look at me. Breathe. You'll be just fine. Riverwood is down this mountain side, along the river. I'll have to carry you." She looked up into his eyes and nodded. She trusted him.

"How bad is it?" She wheezed after her cough stopped momentarily.

"I uh... I don't know, but I wouldn't say it's good..." He trailed off. "Hold on, Katari." She wrapped her arms around his neck and Ralof took off down the path, Katari in his arms.

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