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"His sister said he couldn't wait so they should be here soon." She whispered back, hearing voices around the room and hope her friend heard her over those. They sat her down in the middle of them, Lateefah and Kamila.

Few minutes later, the geriatrics sat her down and did the normal do this and don't do that. She almost yelled at them for repeating the same words over and over again. Her sister was the only one who talked sense to her so she listened attentively to each word and hang it around her like a sacred thread. Her sister is her role model, she loves her to death. Well, both her sisters but the older one more than anyone. They are much more closer.

"Amimi, I know you don't know a lot about marriage but I want you to be extra careful. You are young but you need to take care of your husband just like any older one would. I am not saying that you should keep your likes and dislikes aside just because you are married. Sit him down and tell him everything you like and don't like though I know you've already done that. You two should adjust to each other's presence and balance each other.

"Don't give up your hope and goals because you are now a married woman. Take good care of yourself then your needs. There are times when all you want to do is run away, but you have to stay strong and give yourself space. Always be happy dear sister. Don't forget, I'm always one call away every time." She gave her a hug and stood up to leave with the other older women in the room.

Leaving only her young cousins and her friends, they waited anxiously for the groomsmen to arrive so they can do the last ritual and leave. The groomsmen arrived much later, they walked out of the room to sit in the living room where six handsome Greek Gods are sitting. The perfume they are wearing waft around the living room making the girls conscious of their own smell. Their colognes smell amazing and expensive, the men are no play.

Though there is none older than twenty amongst them, they gave this vibe of twenty four year old. If one isn't bulky, then he is tall and if he isn't tall, he is bulky. Just one year after graduating from high school, they are all looking older than their ages.

"Assalamu Alaikum. Now that you guys finally grace us with your presence, I hope you know how this ritual happens?" It was Kamila who asked the question seeing that everyone kept quite when they were bragging minutes ago that they will talk and won't let them have the bride till they pay the said amount but look at them all conscious so the men won't think they don't have class. Useless set of girls they are. She hates when people back out from their words.

"I'm afraid we don't as he is the first one to get married amongst us." Jabir, Imad's best friend commented, hitting Imad's shoulder as he is sitting right next to him.

Imad is wearing white babban riga embroidered with golden yellow. There is a syrup alkyabba embroidered with gold a top the white babban riga. He looks extremely handsome. His young face clear of any hair and his eyes are shining with happiness more than she's ever seen. His lips are set into a wide grin, eyes twinkling while his head is wrapped around golden and brown turban. He looks every inch expensive royal!

She is still closed in her teal veil but could see him staring at her. It looks like he's caught her because he winked making her tan Carmel skin tone blush. The guy has always been shameless in her presence, it makes her feel special.

"Well, it goes like this. We won't let your friend have his wife till we get some money." It was Lateefah in her perfect British English. She lived in London for a few years then came back to Nigeria and refuse to let go of her accent no matter how much Yoruba is trying to spoil it.

"Oh really? How much is it then?" Another one of his friends asked from Imad's left side. He also attended their school and they heard he is now studying in South Africa. His name is Salim Sani Kilishi. His father also has a title in Kano State, the Kilishi of Kano.

"Yes and we want hundred thousand each. That is nine hundred thousand but, just add the other hundred to make it complete million." Kamila folded her hands around her chest giving the we ain't negotiating look, earning amused eyes from the men.

"Woah! You are so young to have one hundred thousand with you. Your mothers will demand where you get them from and what will you say?" Jabir raised a brow at the feisty young woman staring defiantly at him. Maybe interested? He can't say this soon, he is not into those relationships so just intrigued.

"From the wedding and explain everything. And now, don't call us young. We know everything about marriage so that sums up something." Came Lateefah's accent and just like that, they kept arguing back and forth irritating Imad to the core. He only wants to take his wife in his arms but they are talking senseless. From the way his friends are showing interest, they have something for those ladies but just not happening in his Chamber, they should take it elsewhere.

"Can you just pay them and leave?" He gritted his teeth at his friends making everyone around the room to laugh while Amirah blushed harder underneath her veil. Gosh, Imad can be so shameless.

"Okay, ango. We will pay them and take them home now take your wife and go to the room. Goodnight." Jabir mocked then stood up, asking the girls to do the same which they didn't, defiantly scooting closer to Amirah.

"We ain't going nowhere till you pay the money we asked for." Lateefah rolled her eyes and sit closer to Amirah when she saw Imad standing up.

"Who has bank account among you?" finally asked they question they've been wanting to hear since the sky blanketed.

Before either of them could reply with a negative answer, one of Amira's cousins talked for the first time. It was only Lateefah and Kamila that talked while the others only sat like statues looking at the scene unfold. They were bragging about talking earlier but look at the foolish women acting a kind fake of shyness. Even the other men talked once or twice but not the girls.

After the money was sent, they let Imad guide his wife to their bedchamber making the girls awe while some bore them with envious eyes, not that it mattered. The knot has already been tied, they are bind together forever.

"Don't be too naughty!" Lateefah yelled at their retreating figure whilst giggling then they all filed out of the Chamber to search for someone to take them home which wasn't hard seeing as the men are all willing to help the ladies.

"Welcome home, my wife." He whispered when he guide her to sit down on the bed.

How've you been? How is life? Yep, another update just rolled in here. I've been wanting to update but wattpad kept deleting the edited version so here it is dai.

Amirah and her set of friends, hmm. Imad and his blinding trust, I love it. If only men can be like this😂 please my Imad should come soon. Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share.

TR; Have you ever stopped to look at the mirror just to confirm that you are the one? I do that every morning😂 You?


THE HEARTS REAWAKENING  (Preview)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora