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The thing that throws me off that if u you love me just tell me. Dont go and play with other girls hearts. You always look at me with so much love and yet you treat me like a friend; a nobody.

Am I not good enough for you. Do I not complete you? I just dont understand.  Dont come into my life and tell me like im special and then leave. That's not how it works.

Its sad how you dont have the guts to tell me or claim me as your girlfriend.  I just cant get over the fact that you tend to be with someone you dont like.

It's like your afraid to admit to love me. Well.. I got news for you. I'm moving on. If you want me to be treated like a piece of trash then, im goin treat you like one.

One of these days your goin to spell your heart out to me or something.  And the only thing im going to say is....

Who are you or You have me confused with someone else.

ForgottenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora