Teldryn | Loathing You Wasn't Right

Start from the beginning

"The Northern Maiden is set to return today."


Teldryn turned to the voice of the Nordic docks worker.

"You look like a man who needs to be elsewhere."

"Well thank you for telling me what I look like, I truly appreciate it."

"I'm just trying to help-"

"And I don't need it. Please go run along, and do whatever it is you do," Teldryn retorted, snapping at the poor man.

The Nord quickly scampered away from the Dunmer.

"You know, you didn't have to scare the boy, Teldryn. He did give you the information you wanted." Spoke the familiar voice.

"...I didn't recall needing your opinion, Geldis," Teldryn called, turning around to face his only friend.

"Ah," spoke the Dunmeri barkeep," but you clearly need it. You've been falling apart for weeks. What changed and brought you here? Did you finally realize?"

"Realize what? There's nothing to realize-"

"Teldryn Sero, you must be a s'wit if you haven't realized it yet. You're in love with the Dragonborn."

Teldryn scoffed and turned away from him.

"You can't even lie and say no. You've just gotten quiet for the first time in your life."

"You haven't known me nearly that long-"

"That doesn't mean you're not the grumpy mercenary that sat in my bar for months, boasting his skills. You're not a quiet mer, Teldryn. Just admit it."

"No, alright? She's already gone, and she's been gone. Realizing something so significant now will just... just make the pain in my chest worse."

"'ll never be better if you don't admit it. If you truly want to move on-"

"Ah, but there's a problem Geldis. I don't want to. I don't think I can. I've never loved a man or mer before in my 200 years of life..."

"So you're holding on. You're going to spend your dying breaths waiting for that girl to return..."

"I've never made the best decisions, Geldis, you know that. Just let me have this."

"Just promise yourself and me this, you'll tell her if you see her again. You'll tell her everything Teldryn."

"I guess I can try."

He huffed, trying to maintain his composure and arrogant demeanor, but by Azura, he should've known the mer could see through it.


"Fine, I'll do it. I'll tell Y/n that I... that I-"

He faked a cough, trying to cover his tracks with a 'damn ash'.

"You're a sorry excuse for a Dunmer if you can't say three words."

"She isn't here, so I don't have to say a word."

Teldryn walked down the pier, fully ignoring Geldis's protests.

And now we're back to being a lovesick s'wit, fantastic. At least I can catch the first boat out of here, now to just...

He once again threw back on his helmet and leaned against the stone building, deciding now was a good time to get his rest before boarding the ship. He had learned how to sleep standing upright after being a mercenary for quite a number of years. The man let out a sigh and settled into a comfortable position before drifting into a light sleep.

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