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Kari pov:

Black glasses were placed on the bridge of the boy's bottom nose as he read his favourite book carefully while he take a sip from his hot coffee. The sun shines brightly on his face giving his golden skin a glow. It was a calm Saturday evening when he decided to read the book after baking a cake for his mother who would be back from her work soon.

After awhile he took out his glasses after finished reading the book and placed it neatly on the drawer. He got up and stretched out alittle before looking at the time. Its 7:30pm, his mother should have been back at 7:00.

You see, his mother works as a nurse at the hospital and she's probably the only person kairi has left after his father died from cancer. He always thought about getting a job as his mother is the only one who pay for his school fees and bills from her little salary but his mother always disagreed with him as she want her son to focuse on his studies only.

He jumped when his phone started to ring. He frown cause its from unknown number. He picked it up.

"Hello?" He said slowly.

"Are you kairi Cosentino?" Okay, now he is scared because his mother is not here and someone is asking for him. "Yes..?"

"Well Mr.Consentino your mother just got into an accident and she is at the ____ hospital right now. We found this number in her contact so can you please come-" he didnt even let her finish when he shakily dropped his phone on the floor and ran out of the small house as fast as he can.

It happened so fast, a few hours earlier he was reading his fav book calmly while waiting for his mother to come home and the next he knew he ws sitting at the hospital waiting room while crying his eyes out with his best friend, Alvaro Romero, who got here as fast as he can when he heard about his best friend mother accident.

"Shh, it's gonna be alright, she's gonna be alright. You have to be strong for her." Alvaro reassured as he rubbed his back for support.

"B-but what if if something happened to her? I- I can't live without h-her." He cried out, hiding his face in his chest while crying silently while holding onto his necklace that his mom gave him as a gift.

"Shh, stop thinking negative. Nothing gonna happened. I'm here for you."

After a while the doctor came up with some files."Mr. Cosentino?" The doctor called out. Kairi quickly got up and ran towards him with a hopeful look on his face. "Yes, i-it's me!"

"Sorry Mr.Cosentino but your mom was at a very bad stage and she loss a lot of blood from the accident. Sadly, she cannot make it." The doctor said apologetically.

Right at this moment, Kairi felt as if the world has stop working. His legs felt were weak and head was pounding. He was about to fall when Alvaro quickly catches him and sat him on the chair. No, this isnt happening. He didn't even say his last goodbye to her.

"N-no this can't be true. I-I refused to be believe this, n-no" kairi whispered blankly while Alvaro hold him close, stoping himself from crying because he needs to be strong for his best friend.

"Shhh.. shh you need to be strong, I need you to be strong. I'm here for you." Alvaro reassured again, holding his cheek.

"Alvaro, mommy can't leave me like this! I can't live without her!" He cried out and hold on Alvaro shirt tightly.

"Alvaro...." kairi whispered while holding his pounding head as tears started ran down from his eyes.

"Oh shit!"

Before he completely black out.

Hey so um yeah, please don't let this flop or I might have to delete it.😖


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