Logicality one shot

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Part 1 logicality
Logan walked out of his room heading towards the kitchen with his face stuffed in a book. Virgil sat on the counter watching Logan entertained and ready for him to trip and fall flat on his face. Patton walks out of his room with a yawn. Roman looks up from the couch at Patton and gets up excited. "Morning Pat! Just the guy I was waiting on." Logan looked up from his book just in time to see Patton tilt his head curiously and confused. He blushed and went to making coffee for himself. Virgil jumped off the counter after putting his mug in the sink and walked towards Roman. "Yeah, now that Dad and Mom are up, me and Princey have two tickets to see wicked." Patton jumped "You two are finally going out on a date?!" "Wait 'Mom' ?" Logan questioned from the kitchen. Virgil groaned. "No Dad we are not going out on a date. For the last time we do not like each other. Not like Mom and you like each other." Roman deflated a little at that but kept smiling. Patton and Logan blushed slightly. "Anygays emo nightmare and I will be on our way now" Roman said linking arms with Virgil." Patton felt a little bad for Roman knowing he felt more for Virgil and wanted to be more then just friends with benefits. "Alright kiddos have fun." Patton said sitting where Roman was as they walked out the door. Logan nodded a goodbye locking the door and going to sit down at the other side of the couch with his book and cup of coffee. Patton shifted uncomfortably wanting to do something, he looked over at Logan wanting attention from him. Logan felt like he was being watched and put is book down slightly. "Do you need my assistance with something Patton?" Patton looked down at his hands. "No..not necessarily" "Alright then" Logan said going back to reading his book. Patton started thinking out loud. "Well the tv remote is dead and I need to buy more batteries for it. Um I should go grocery shopping soon. Roman asked me to get more glitter for a project he is working on." Logan nodded drinking the rest of his coffee while reading and half listening. "What's the book you're reading about? Knowing you it would be some informative book right? 'Out of Salem' what's that?" Logan pushed his glasses up. "Well it's a book Virgil gave to me. It's more of an fictional entertainment book. It has zombies and ware wolves in it." Patton crawled a little closer to Logan and sat on his knees. "Really? I wouldn't have thought you'd like something like this." Logan blushed a little at how cute Patton looked when curious and the fact he crawled closer to him. "Well it is quite entertaining and Roman said reading these kind of entertaining books sparks some creativity for ideas." Patton nodded and started reading the back of Logans book. Logan bit his lip to keep from smiling and kept reading. Patton sat back in thought. Logans book did seem quite interesting and he still had the urge to move closer to Logan. Logan got entranced into his book again. Patton rocked slightly not knowing what to do. He looked at Logan's arms that were lifted to the level that one of his elbows were resting on the arm rest and how Logans leg bounced slightly into a rhythm. Patton then looked at how his hands were intertwined laying on his lap that was propped up by his own legs. "Are you comfortable sitting like that? I mean I know that's like the proper way to sit but you have those stiff business shoes on that I know hurt you and it's only the morning and it's the weekend and you're not going anywhere. I'm sorry am I being weird? I'm being weird and asking too many questions I'll shut up.." Logan blinked at Patton and looked down at his shoes. "Um no you aren't being weird you have a good point." Logan took off shoes off and placed them neatly next to the couch. "What would be a comfortable sitting position to you?" Patton chuckled nervously. " I don't know I just thought maybe you'd be more comfortable....laying down!" Patton said jumping off the couch to stand up. "You don't have to go Patton I'm just reading. I don't need to lay down or anything-" "I insist! It's not like I'm doing anything." "Alright?" Logan said stretching his legs out on the couch. "Wouldn't you be comfortable on the couch with me like we just were? I'm very confused on why you are- what are you doing?" Patton laid on the couch with Logan and stuck his head in between Logans arms resting his head on one of them and cuddling up on Logan. "This way we are both comfortable on the couch together. See I can be a smart cookie too" Logan laughed and blushed a little. Patton smiled at the rare sight. "So this was your plan all along to just be in my arms?" Patton blushed. "Well now I can also see what you're reading" " you do know I'm already half way in the book and that I read faster then you." "Well then read to me from the beginning. If you don't mind."

This is awful and way off what I was actually going for soooooooo-

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