Part 2 - Encountering Dangers

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Same as last time, there is some language, please do not try anything that this duo attempt, they are terrible role models. Enjoy

Previously in the Adventures of Cracks: The duo came across a small fight, upon bravely and somewhat easily defeating the threats, they call a certain detective.

"Oh its nothing much~~ just 4 people fighting. 3 against 1. 3 men, 1 woman" the afore mentioned vigilante starting to prattle off the address as well.
She heard a mixture and a scream and-- 'wait did he mutter something about Eraserhead?? Fuck,' before he clicked off and hung up the phone.
Slaps, having heard the last part of the call due to the lack of noise Mufastsu had at 2 in the morning, quickly spoke up, "We gotta fucking-"
"Run?" another voice puts in. Catching the two off guard.
"FUCK! CREAKY LETS GO!" Slaps grabbed their friend quickly as they shot their grappling hook and pulled them and their friend onto a rooftop, before they both started sprinting.
Creaky hesitated in shock for a solid half second before she was dodging scarves up on the rooftop, putting backflips to good use 'whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck--' ran through her head constantly as she started to run away like a frog on a mission.

The man in question who was following them, just shouted out "Get back here!" As he continued to keep shooting his grayish scarves out.
Creaky, letting in to their childishness decides to respond, in a random voice due with her quirk, "UHHH NO??"
"WE WOULD RATHER NOT DUDE!" Slaps also responds,  dragging Creaks, while still dodging the scarfs for. The tired pro hero.
While getting a somewhat easier method of transport, courtesy of Slaps, they think about the hero. She had heard of his reputation in both expulsions and battle all around the school, he was a local cryptid apparently. She also knew that the man's quirk was a great intimidation tatic to the normally out of control hero students.

She was let go by Slaps as they contiued running. She finally managed to climb up onto a high rooftop before she stood on the edge, back to the sky.

The hero caught up as she stood there alone, "Don't think you have a choice on that" he kept a steady eye on them using his quirk.
Noticing the situation, her mind started repeating itself on loop, 'thisisntgonnaworkthisisntgonnaworkthisisntgonnawork,' she chanted in her mind, while she manages to motion for her friend to run off.
Slaps kept thinking whether they should take a chance to smack the hero, so that their quirk could activate, but they brushed the thought away upon noticing the code from their friend.

Tales of Trust - The Adventures of Cracks (Slaps and Creaks)Where stories live. Discover now