Do Something!

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This take's place the day before Sal gets the death penalty. Also, pretend chapter 5 is not a thing!

~Your POV~

You seat on a bench as the sun began to seat. You looked down as you did a sight, your stomach twisting itself around inside of you. Did you really do all you could to try and help Sal? did you get the beast layer? Did you look at every possible loop hole? did you go to court enough times? If you had stopped fighting and blaming Ashly for what happened at the trial and worked with her would Sal already be out of jail? you felt tears well up in your eye at the thought of losing Sal. Had you already lost him? You thought as your cheats began to ache. What if it wasn't ash's fault? What if all of this was your fault? You should have been with Sal when it happened. You should have gotten to the apartments faster when Sal called you and told you Larry was dead. You should have went back to the tree house where Sal was, instead of listening to Ash.

"(Y/N), go back home." She said well leaving the apartment's. "I think Sal lost it. Larry's not there, there's just a bottle of alcohol and it's more then half gone." You went to tell her that Sal doesn't drink, but she know that, you both did. "I know." She said before you could speak. "I think he just needs to be alone right now. I told his parent's and they said they would keep an eye on him. But I really thing we should leave him alone right now."

You should have went to check on him anyways. you should have thanked her and said. "But Sal's my boyfriend, and I should go check on him." you should have ignored anything else she said and just went back there and stayed with him, how different would thing's be then? If you only went to check on him....Or if you stopped Ash from calling the copes or went to the apartments and then called the copes, or called Sal and warned him about what Ash was doing, if you had done SOMETHING, ANYTHING! Or if you weren't so scared you would get Sal in more trouble, and just went onto the stand and told them what really happened, told them how true everything was, that Sal wasn't lying. If you told them some story's on how sweet and kind he was and how good of a boyfriend he was.

Tears ended up slipping out as they rolled down your face. "I should have done something...." You whimpered as you wiped up your face and tried not to cry again. You imagined Sal sitting next to you and holding your hand, like he did when you come here for your first date. You tried not to think about that now, you know your mind would go to the fact you could never come here again and hold Sal's hand, that you could never go on a date with him again and you would never get to see him smile again. That hurt you the most as you wiped the new tears off your face. You wished he was here, right now, with you. even if it was only for a couple seconds, you know he would know exactly what to say and do to make you feel better. He would hold your hand and unclip the bottom of his mask, and put you hand under it, giving your hand a gently kiss. You would most likely cup the right side of his face, so your palm was in his dent, which fight perfectly. He would pull you close or onto his lap and you could rest your head on his shoulder as he would rest his head on your hand and neither of you would move. You would probably end up playing with his hair and kiss his neck once or twice.

you then frowned at the thought the two of you would never do that again, He could never again be able to kiss you or hold you close or make you smile. you could never again be able to hold his face or kiss his scar's. You could never play with his hair or kiss his neck or be on his lap. More tears rolled down your face as you seat up, you couldn't take it, you had to see him, right now.

You didn't bother calling anyone and just started walking. It got dark pretty qiekly, but you didn't notice as you made your way to the prison. You went in and saw the usual guard, she was nice enough and know you by name. "Hey there, (Y/N). I'm afraid you can't visit him right now, it's late." you said as you felt a knot form in you through. "please, I just want to see him... Just this once, our secret?" you asked, hoping she would say yes. She did a sigh. "Aright, just this once." She said as she stood up. you blinked, not expecting her to say ok. You looked at her. "W-what?" she asked as she gave you a small smile. "come on, before I change my mind." She stated as you qiekly followed her.

Sally face x reader (long) one shortsWhere stories live. Discover now