Chapter 2

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*Scarlett's POV*

As I finish the last note, I hear very quite, almost muted clapping coming from outside the sound booth. I turn and see the guys standing, clapping and smiling almost, what seemed like, proudly. And I swear, never once did my smile leave my face. Frank and Romeo then walk into the soundbooth, smiles still prominent on their faces.

"That was phonomenal! I love your voice. It's like taking a bite of a sweet, sweet strawberry that had just been dipped into warm, gooey chocolate sauce! And don't get me started on how well you played the pia-." Romeo is cut short by Frank placing his hand over Romeo's mouth. I giggle a little, but stop once I see the oh-so-serious look on Frank's face.

"Oh trust me Romeo, we won't let you," Frank smirks before slowly removing his hand from Romeo. "You did happen to have a very, how do I put this.. recherché voice. I want you to meet the band and show me these Rhythmic and Un-Clean screaming vocals I've heard so much about. But from how I see it you have a very... auspicious future on this record label." He gives me one last warm smile before turing and motioning for John to follow him out of the studio. Once the door closes, Romeo turns to me with a tremendous smile spread across his face.

"YOUR A BAG-IN FOR THE POSITION! You have amazin- no... BEAUTIFUL vocals! My heart literally melted when you started pouring all that emotion into your music. I love watching people do that... ANYWAYS! You don't know me very well, so while John and Frank get the rest of your soon-to-be-bandmates, you and I will get to know each other!" Romeo definetly didn't come off as this perky of a person, but as I've learned, most people don't turn out to be the people you first predict them to be. Romeo pulls me back over to the couch placed convenently in the recording booth, and sat me down.

"Your a lot perkier then I thought.. Not to be rude or anything, It's just-.. well-.. sorry I shouldn't have said that.." I look down at my new converse I got while I was staying in England. They were high-top, personally designed by me. I had gotten a bunch of Hello Kitty, Batman, and Superman logos and such on it, the initial design being a bunch of music notes, so I kept that as the background. I was so wrapped in looking at my converse, I didn't even notice Romeo talking to me. "Ohmigosh. I must really be making an aweful first-impression... I didn't catch a word you just said." I say, feeling my cheeks heating up to a light pink/red colour. Romeo chuckles, slightly shaking his head before replying.

"I said, It's fine, I get that a lot... even from my family!" I laugh a little at that, feeling somewhat comfortable around him. "And honestly, so far you have made the best first-impression out of all of the girls who have auditioned for this label. Compared to you, everyone else sounded like a dying cat!" It's clear that Romeo and I will have a good friendship someday...

"So how many tattoos do you have?" I ask him, genuinely curious. He smirks a little, thinking, before replying.

"Well as of right now, you can only see my arms. I legit have no room left on my chest, so to be honest, I'm not sure, so I'll just say A LOT!" He laughs before looking down at his phone. "Well I was just informed that I am supposed to take you down to the conference room on the third floor... So let's hit it!" He jumps up, grabbing my hand, signalling for me to follow him.

When we arrived at the conference room, I immediately noticed four VERY attractive looking guys. They must be my band members.

"Scarlett I would like you to meet your future band members. This is Zander, he plays lead guitar and will do back up vocals.¨Romeo points to a very tall guy with blonde hair and covered in tattoos. "This is Travis," he points to the guy sitting behind the drum set. "Beck is the bassist, and Eli, he plays the secondary bass."

"Hi I'm Scarlett, but my friends all call me Scar or Bubba. So either one is okay..." I say, smiling at each of them. For the most part the seemed like really nice guys. Hearing the creaking of the door, I look to my left to see Frank and John entering the room.

"I hope you all get along well, because from now on, you guys are a band. Any questions? Complaints?" Frank says, smiling more at me as opposed to the boys. It took me a minute, only to realise... I made it. I got a deal. I have a band. All of my dreams were coming true.

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