it wasn't anything new or fancy but it got me where i was going with no problem, so i loved it.

i sat my bag in the passenger seat and checked it, making sure i had everything before leaving the house. i could be forgetful a lot of the time and i wasn't interested in making a trip back home.

after double checking my bag i crunk my car up and connected my phone to the aux. i waited a minute for the warm air to ventilate before pulling out of the driveway and off to my school.


i walked into first period, looking around the room to see my history teacher wasn't there. about a third of the class wasn't here either so i figured i made good use of time this morning.

i got settled at my desk and went on my phone, waiting for the rest of my class and teacher to come in but for some reason they never did,

not that i was complaining.

sooner or later the bell had rung and an unfamiliar woman walked in and sat at mr. horn's desk. she was dressed formally and wore a calm expression on her face.

"good morning everyone, my name is ms. delilah and i will be your sub for today-"

that's why half of the class wasn't here.

"mr. horn had something come up unexpectedly so here i am. he informed me that y'all had an assignment due tomorrow and that's what you should be working on. if you already did it then you can take a nap or something... as long as y'all are quiet i don't mind." she stated politely and i mentally grinned because she seemed like a nice substitute.

i had finished the assignment she was talking about just last night so i quietly grabbed my earbuds from my bag and pulled out my writing journal.

i wrote short stories and prompts from time to time when i was in the mood for it. that's what i intended to do for the rest of class until i felt my phone vibrate on my desk. i unlocked it with my face id and absentmindedly smiled when i saw that sam had texted me.

you in horn right now?

yes ma'am

i heard y'all got a sub, that's true?

yea it is, why?

cuz i wanna come get you, we ain't doin shit in gym anyway

where we finna go?

nowhere in particular, wherever you want

my eyebrows lifted in surprise and i paused before replying. it's not like i would be missing anything if i left, all my work is already done. but at the same time i didn't wanna lie to the sub... maybe she'll let me leave if i just ask.

i'll see if i can get out of here, come wait for me by the door


i looked up cautiously, observing the quiet atmosphere of the room. ms. delilah was on the computer at mr. horn's desk, probably online window shopping like most subs did.

i saw movement in my peripheral and looked over at the door, spotting sam's face in the little window. she grinned at me and waved her hand hurriedly, gesturing for me to come out. i held my finger up discretely, trying not to catch anyone's attention, but failed. when ms. delilah glanced up at me i quickly put my finger down and avoided her gaze.

she mouthed a 'come here' to me and made the same gesture with her hands, but for some reason she didn't look upset. i got up slowly and walked to the desk, nervously standing beside it.

"was that your friend at the window?" she whispered quietly. i knew i was caught at this point so i answered truthfully.

"yes..." i admitted.

"did you finish the assignment due?"

"yes ma'am."

ms. delilah only grinned and shook her head, "go ahead... just be back before this period is over and don't get caught. if you do i never knew anything about it, alright?"

i looked at her in shock and spoke softly, "you're serious, i can go?"

"yes i'm serious, i figure kids will be kids..." she trailed off and glanced over at the window behind me with a smirk, "she's waiting for you."

i peered behind my shoulder and got a glance at sam's face once again and mentally smiled. i turned around, thanked ms. delilah quietly and left with no hesitation.

when i came out sam was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the hallway. she looked up when she heard the door closed and grinned.



i'm kinda not feeling this chapter but i feel like it's only because i'm hella exhausted right now.

i start school again tomorrow (online corona tingz😔) so wish me luck.

don't forget to vote and comment, i love you🤎.

venus.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora