Chapter 1: Intro!

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I live in the land of Oohh in a kingdom called The Ice Kingdom together with my foster dad Ice King, but I call him IK and sometimes dad. I say “foster” because he’s not actually my dad. Funny story about that. You see, I’m a human. Sadly, one that wasn’t wanted by my real parents, so I was left here in the Ice Kingdom. Ice King and his sister Ice Queen said they saw me at the castle doors one day and they were afraid that I would die so they took me in. I apparently didn’t have a name, because my parents didn’t leave any sappy notes with me and my basket like in those silly orphan movies, so IK and IQ just named me “Mystica.” They say they named me that because my sudden appearance at the doors was always “Mystical” to them. Haha, I know, they make some pretty lame jokes, but hey, I got to love them! Knowing I was just a normal human, by the age of seven they began teaching me some magic to protect myself. They also gave me something very special to help me protect myself and that was, my best bud, Sphoon! Sphoon is a reindeer, but he’s special because he can actually talk and he even knows magic! IK and IQ never really told me where they got him and Sphoon doesn’t really remember anything past meeting me, so I just assume they conjured him up with a spell. Anyways, yeah! I’m around 17 years old with wavy brunette hair It’s a bit short at the back and cut diagonally down so that it’s long in the front. I also have black eyes, pearly white teeth, and most of the time wear my battle clothing which is an iron armored shirt with black jeans and fur boots. However, two years ago I lost my right eye. The story that goes along with that is this. I used to not know IQ was IK’s sister, I used to think they were married so she was like my mother and they kinda hid the truth from me. I found out by myself though when I heard IQ talking about me needing a real mother and when I walked through the door and confronted them about it they finally confessed the truth. That lead to IK trying to get me a real mother. He brought many princesses home to be my new mom, but they all ran away. I guess they didn’t like me, because IK is a great guy, I don’t know how they couldn’t like him. He’s kind and caring, heck he’s the only guy I know besides Sphoon. However one day, when IQ was out buying me some new armor, I guess my dad brought the wrong princess home, because a BIG guy followed dad through the door. He started breaking everything in the castle and was trying to kill my dad! Watching from behind an un-destroyed couch the man was about to smash IK with a sword, but I didn’t want the only dad I ever knew to get hurt so something inside me snapped. I conjured as much magic up into my hands as I could and jumped out from behind the couch and in front of IK blasting the huge guy with my magic, but he swung his sword and slashed the right side of my face. I remember falling over with immense pain and the guy dropped his sword in shock. IK flew to my side screaming my name and hearing him say, “Billy! What have you done to my daughter!?” But I don’t remember anything else from there. Anyways, now I wear an eye patch and that’s just that. Now that you know my history, the real story here can begin.

Knowing Our World (An Adventure Time Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora