1: Weakling

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Selene's POV

"Listen up everyone, we have new transfer students coming later. They are all came from Greece. I expect all of you to treat them well. "  We heard the homeroom teacher reminded the class. We heard murmurs after that.  

I can hear what he just said since the four of us were eavesdropping. We are outside the room waiting to let us in. 

Geez, why am I eavesdropping like this? This is inappropriate! Not to mention, embarrassing! 

It's been 2 weeks since the school year begins. I actually feel tense since it's my first day in UA, but at the same time, I feel excited.

"Hey, Selene knock on the door already!" Rehan asked me. 

Rehan is a quite tall and handsome guy with emerald eyes, auburn black hair, he's cheerful, playful, loves to joke, and easy-going, but he can be very pushy at times. 

I looked at him with brows furrowed. "Why me?" 

"Just do it!" Ema said. Raising her right arm, hands are formed in a fist. Enjoyment was written all over her face. Jeez... 

Ema is a petite girl with Sandalwood brown hair and grey eyes, she is also as cheerful as Rehan. She's also honest, bright, and unpretentious, so she makes people feel comfortable. She also seems like she's dazzling with light. Though, she does cause quite a bit of trouble sometimes. 

"Mind your manners towards her, you two. You might've forgotten who you're talking to." Shu strictly scolds them.

Like Rehan, Shu is also a tall and handsome guy with deep redan hair and an orange-yellow eye. But he's the total opposite of Rehan, he somewhat looks cold and aloof because he doesn't talk much and preferred to be alone all the time. He is also blunt, strict, and straightforward. 

"It's alright, Shu. Give them a break." I waved both of my hands. "Besides, we've been together for quite some time. So it's fine talking to me casually." I told him. 

Though I got why he's scolding him like that. Back in our home, when it comes to social status, Shu and I were some kind of noble. However, my rank is higher than his. 

Shu stared at me with an emotionless face and just nodded. Rehan and Ema frantically apologized. I just told them it's okay. 

Suddenly, a very tall, muscular man showed up and called Ema and Shu. It turns out that he was the homeroom teacher of the section where they are assigned, Class 1B. 

"See you guys at lunch break!" Ema waived at us. Too bad we're not on the same section.

Nevertheless, I straightened up my posture, gathered all of my strength and courage, and knock on the door. 

Well, here goes nothing! 


After about 20 secs the door opened, revealing the homeroom teacher in his usual "bored" face. "I'm Aizawa, Shouta. Your homeroom teacher. You may now come in," he said. 

The first time I saw him I was quite worried like, does he even sleep or something? Or does he even groom himself? 

Rehan goes in first with a friendly and confident look and then me with a calm and prim expression.

My eyes explored the whole classroom. I'm amazed to see different kinds of appearances. There are a pink-colored girl with cute horns, a bird-headed guy, a dupli-armed guy, a half-white and half red hair colored guy, and an invisible girl! 

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