With a smile, the (s/c) teen leaned forward and ruffled his lengthy blue locks. 'Cute,' She thought, cooing internally. Agape's behavior often reminded her of a younger brother—even though the boy was eons ahead of her, age-wise. "Aw~ I'll be fine okay? I don't think that such a prestigious school would let me die in an entrance exam silly," (Y/n) reassured, making the boy flush under her hand. Agape bit his lip and hummed in thought, murmuring something along the lines of 'I guess'.

Satisfied with the response, (Y/n) pulled away. "Now," She started. "I've got an exam to get to, so I'll see you later okay?" The older boy nodded, mood somewhat brightened. With a quick hug, the (h/c) medium gave one last wave and walked away, knowing that he'd already be gone by the time she turned around. It was a weird thing he did that she'd gotten used to.

Rounding the corner outside of the bathroom, (Y/n) smiled at the sight of her undead companion. He'd been waiting on her the whole time, turning to face the female as she appeared in the corner of his eye. The jaunty teenager skipped over to Nanashi and extended a hand, feeling a surge of excitement rush through her veins.

"You ready?"


       Standing behind a large crowd, (Y/n) was once again in the possession of Nanashi, her features slightly altered. The two had been led to 'Center D' after they'd been rounded with the other participants to be placed in the same area. Scanning her surroundings to her best ability, she noticed the setting was built similar to a city—though completely abandoned. The medium wondered how big U.A.'s budget was to afford the mock-city and if the other arena's were like his, but decided not to dwell on it for too long. 'Maybe we should get to the front?' She internally suggested to Nanashi, who nodded silently and began to move forward, using the teen's body to shove anyone in their way.

It would look a bit strange to anyone else; Such a small girl easily moving through the large crowd with an uncharacteristic brute strength. Many protested and let out shouts of exclamation as the two made their way forward. Some even attempted to push the girl back to her original place, but stopped short at the deadly glare shot in their direction—the prominent bags and dull look in her orbs scaring them off. Contrast to her cutesy looks, '(Y/n)' radiated an aura of malice.

"H-hey! Say excuse me when you pass Shi! You're not supposed to push people like that!" Within the prison of her own mind, (Y/n) chided the ghost controlling her.

'Sorry,' He responded internally—obviously not sincere as he continued to push through the crowd. Nearing the front, the pale haired female pushed through one more guy.

"What the heck man!"

He had long black hair that just barley grazed his shoulders and framed his face nicely—well in (Y/n)'s opinion at least. He also had piercing red eyes—a small scar just above his right eye—that turned around to glare at her. However, that feisty glare faltered once he met '(Y/n)'s monochrome orbs. The female had an equally deep frown on her face with an aura that just screamed 'don't test me'. The female didn't say a word, yet the unnamed male felt intimidated in her presence. "Er, sorry," The stranger apologized awkwardly, quickly stepping away from the smaller girl.

"Nanashi!~ Don't just glare at random people! You're gonna give off the wrong impression!" (Y/n) scolded once again. If she could, she would've been pouting disapprovingly at the male.

'Sorry,' The ghost repeated apathetically. Once again, there was no sincerity in his tone.

"Um, hello? Why're you all still standing there?" The familiar voice of the pro-hero, Present Mic boomed throughout the field. They probably had speakers set up all over the arena. Confused murmurs began to sound around the medium, but hushed as the hero spoke up. "The exam's already started! What are you waiting for?! GO! GO!"

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