Anywhere now I don't even care

Depuis le début

Chan was suddenly feeling tight in his jeans, he needed to get out of here fast.

He left the shopping mall at four, his hands full of gifts for his boyfriend.

In two hours he needed to be convincing, if Jeongin didn't show him his disappointment Jisung will.

The gate to the Park's mansion was open when he got there 2 hours later, Chan parked his car in front of the house and rang the doorbell, his shopping bags clutched in his hand.

Jeongin himself opened the door looking very comfy in one of Chan's forgotten white shirts and black Nike jogging pants. The Australian wanted to cuddle him right here on the threshold but they had to seriously talk first.

"Hello hyung." Jeongin greeted him timidly, Chan could immediately sense his nervousness.

Jeongin looked at the bags in his right hand with a curious gaze. "Hi Innie." Chan smiled back, they both made their way to the living room. Jeongin took a seat on one of the big sized leather couches and the older followed him, sitting at an awkward distance.

"So..." Chan started trying to find the right words. "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong yesterday when I got mad at Jisung for asking if I was jealous. I didn't mean to upset you."

"But you did." Deadpanned Jeongin, looking at him with a sad gaze. "I know we are not an almost married couple like Ji hyung and Jinnie hyung but I expected another reaction."

"Jeongin, you are my first real relationship." Chan signed trying to explain his point of view. "I care about you, you are the best thing that happened to me like I swear I never wanted to hurt you. The Chan you have in front of you is not the same Chris you met months ago. I'm trying hard to become someone better, I'm sorry if I hurt you yesterday, I just thought if you wanted to get back with Jaemin I-"

"You what ?" Jeongin cut off. "You were going to let me ? You said I'm the best thing that happened to you but after you just let me down and push me into my ex's arms ?"

"I'm not someone good enough, I'm trying Jeongin really. I couldn't look at myself if I hurt you more." Chan confessed wearly.

"Hyung, I only want you, don't you understand that ?" Jeongin whispered softly, sliding to sit closer to his boyfriend. The younger cupped the older's face making him look in his big starry eyes. "I know we trust each other and all even if we are just at the start of our relationship but be selfish sometimes. I'm not trapped with you against my will, I like you Bang Chan."

Jeongin pecked his lips softly before locking their mouths in a hot make out session. Chan took the lead manhandling him into his lap, his hands low on his bottom giving it a playful smack. "My pretty baby boy." Chan whispered hotly, bending his head to suck a bruise on Jeongin's neck.

"Chan." Jeongin moaned softly, his body burning with lust.

Chan's right hand was busy roaming under Jeongin's shirt while the other was still gripped to his bottom, he gave another slap making the younger whimper. "That's not my name baby." He growled.

"Daddy please." Jeongin wanted more, Chan was aware but he had another plan.

"I have a gift for you baby boy." He whispered sucking a bruise low on Jeongin collarbone. He gave two little sprank to his baby's ass to make him stand up. Jeongin pouted a little but took the pink shopping bag Chan was giving.

Jeongin gasped seeing the dark red lace, taking slowly out of the bag. "That's so pretty Channie."

"Make it prettier and wear it for Daddy, I will wait for you in your bedroom."

Double KnotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant