Chapter 2 Gwen's POV

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After we pick up the pizza and chicken fried rice, Peter swings us to the top of the clock tower, recreating our secret picnic date in London on the Big Ben. I help him lay out the blanket and set up the food. Once Peter dumps the box of rice onto the pizza, we each take a slice and start eating.

This past year has been great for both, Peter and me. For Peter, he's reconnected with his parents and joined the avengers. Me, I'm back to being me; Gwen Stacy, not Mary Jane. I'm living with my family again: my mother and three brothers. I'm a doctor at S.H.I.E.L.D. On top of all that, I'm officially dating Peter again; I even work in the same building as him!

"So, how's your day been so far?" Peter asks me.

"Alright," I reply. "Mainly just doing paperwork. But you made it better by giving me a visit."

"Well you told me to go to the nurse if I have a concussion, but I figured I'd go to the doctor instead; the best one there is," he winks.

I blush at those words. "Thank you, but I'm not the best."

Peter gasps. "Did the smartest, most beautiful girl I know, just deny that she's the best?"

I roll my eyes.

"Gwen, you're valedictorian for crying out loud!"

"Yeah, the best in Midtown Science, not necessarily at S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Right, which is why you only attended the S.H.I.E.L.D Medical School for a year."

"You really think I'm the best?" I smile.

"I don't think. I know."

"Well how ironic it is that the best doctor is dating the best avenger?" I flirt.

"Thanks, but I'm not...."

"Uh," I cut him off. "If I'm admitting to being the best doctor, then you have to admit that you're the best avenger."

"But I'm not."

"Please, for me?"

Peter sighs. "I'm the best avenger, dating the best doctor and girl in the whole world!"

I grin, giving him a kiss. He returns it, placing his hand on my cheek. I kiss him harder, ruffling his soft brown hair with my fingers.

When I pull away, I ask, "So how was your day?"

"Great, but I wasn't done kissing you," he tells me, pressing his lips on mine once more.

After we break away, Peter takes out the chocolate cupcakes we got from a new bakery. I take a bite. "Mmm, this is really good!"

"Yeah it is," Peter agrees. "We should go to this bakery more often!"

"Yes, and we must always get chocolate cupcakes," I add.

"What is it with you and chocolate?" Peter teases.


"Yeah, I can tell," he laughs. "So, do you still wanna live in a chocolate house?"


We laugh.

"You know, we should build our own minature chocolate house together sometime, like instead of a ginger bread house," Peter suggests.

"Yeah, that would be fun," I smile.

"So, I'm beating you in Frozen Free Fall," Peter thinks.

"Yeah right!"

"I'm serious!" he protests.

"What level are you on?"

"Two thousand."

"Wow," I laugh.

"But how?" he asks, astonished. "You were on one thousand nine hundred this morning."

"Yeah, but I'm a fast player," I smirk.

"What level are you on now?" he asks with a sigh.

"Two thousand three hundred," I say proudly.

"Man, you really know your game," he says. "No wonder you were able to stop the bomb!"

"Well I am the best!"

"Wow, so you're humble when it comes to being a doctor, yet conceited when it comes to Frozen Free Fall!"

"Exactly," I grin.

"Shut up!" he rolls his eyes.

After ten more mintutes of talking, Peter says, "We should probably get going. Our break's almost up."

"Yeah," I say, helping him clean up.

Once we have everything packed, we get up. "Well that wasn't a bad lunch, was it?" Peter jokes.

"It was amazing, like you are," I smile, looking into his big brown doe eyes.

"Guess what?" he says.


"I love you!"

"I love you too, bugboy!"

I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands on my waist, as our lips meet.

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