Chapter 11: See You Again

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"See, it's not so bad to be cherished, is it?" Jaskier smirked, gently tugging his hair into a simple braided style. "If you truly didn't want me styling your hair you should visit a barber more often. However I don't know how I'd feel about you with short hair. Would you trim the beard as well?"

"You're musing," Geralt breathed out as Jaskier pulled at the silvery root.

"So I am," Jaskier kisses his temples as he finishes. "It would appear my things have all been packed. Walk with me?"

"Course," Geralt agrees, following his bard to their door.

"Your things?"

"Hmm," Geralt barely spared a glance at his belongings. Looking down he pulled at his boots, a hunting knife snug within.

"Always so prepared," Jaskier hummed, walking side by side Geralt. "You know, mother did mean it. She's always carrying around books, and knowing her she may have gotten a few more this morning."

Coughing, Erwin took their attention. "Lady Lettenhove, requests your immediate attendance."

"Yes, I'm sure she must be ecstatic. See Geralt, now you've gone and won her over," Jaskier mockingly chided. "Don't be too frightened when she lunges you, dear. She's a big hugger if you didn't know."

They continue in amicable silence through the estate. It's not long before they're standing at the entrance. A finely crafted carriage at the ready, servants buzzing about and the Lettenhove couple exchanging comments on this or that.

It's Huddson who notices them first, only briefly looking them over before pulled back in by his wife's question. He whispers in her ears and she beams as she turns to the pair, rushing to a satchel near the trunk.

"There you are!" Margaret smiled, eyes wrinkled with the intensity. "Now, Geralt you mustn't keep him all to yourself. I know how hard it can be to give up some quality time together, but I promise he won't be gone for long. He'll be back to you in no time, you'll see. And my dear, you have so little with you. I'll be sure to send you back with plenty."

"Mother there's no need for that," Jaskier said. "Plus I need room for a little shopping spree here and again."

"Oh, that sounds lovely," she cooed. "But Geralt, I've gotten those books and a few proper essays that I thought you could look at. Huddson, even gave a few recommendations. You'll have to find a couple on your own I'm afraid, they don't have shops like that in the market. I couldn't possibly be so insensitive as to ask the Lord. These however will be a splendid starting point."

"Thank you," Geralt looked into the satchel, surprised by its high quality. "You didn't have to-"

"Only the best," Huddson seemed to remind. "Even for a witcher."

"That's great, but I think we should be off," Jaskier tried to hurry the little grouping. "Well Erwin, until we meet again."

"I will be escorting you and your company home, Viscount," Erwin replied.

"Yes, Matidous was quite insistent we at least bring with us some guidance. Lots of new roads have been built, hopefully shorten the journey," she explained.

"I see," Jaskier sighed. "Well, my dear, this is the part we say our goodbyes. Don't go too sappy on me."

"I'm not sappy," Geralt mumbled.

"Sure, whatever you say."

"We'll leave you two," Huddson managed to guide Margaret away.

"This is it," Jaskier said. "You're not gonna come in for a bone-crushing hug?"

"Hmm," Geralt swiftly swept him off his feet and into his arms. "This good?"

"Perfect, actually."


"I'll see you soon?" Jaskier prodded.


"Great, should I try going north this year?"

"Whatever you want bard."

"You hafta let go then," Jaskier joked, falling on his ass when Geralt released him. "Really? Now you wanna be a shite. My parents are literally right there watching us."

"Don't mind us dear!" his mother called.

"Yeah, don't mind them, Jask," Geralt smirked.

"If that's how you're going to be then fine," Jaskier huffed, corners of his lips twitching upward. "My how horrid, the love of my life just dropped me to be humiliated, how will I ever recover my dignity?"

"What dignity?"

"Hey!" Jaskier laughed.

"See you," Geralt again swept Jaskier into his arms and carried him to the open door and gently set him down.

"Oh you sap!"

"Hmm," Geralt quickly pecked his cheek and bolted.

Jaskier froze and placed his hand over said cheek, "That was unexpected. My, he really is just a sap, isn't he?"

"You are so adorable," his mother squealed.

"He shouldn't have dropped you," Huddson said, yet still smiled softly.

Not a second was spared as the carriage was driven off. Waving out, Jaskier's smile never falter not even as Geralt disappeared from sight.

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