(Also from the same universe as Ayva, just in the future where Ayva is remembered as a legendary hero and historical figure) 

A charming little mage who goes by he/him pronouns, the only reason he may look so effeminate is due to the fact that he was born as princess and heir to the throne all which he then had to run away from due to his older brother going mad with jealousy and power 

Since he was going through so much abuse from his own brother and the grief of recently losing his parents he runs away and hides because he knows that the second his brother finds him he'll be killed so his brother may remain in power...

Then there's Matthew ofc 

A friendly fox boy who's a loyal friend/boyfriend, but has spent so many years being shut it an abused by his mother that he lacks many social skills and has a hard time letting people into his life

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A friendly fox boy who's a loyal friend/boyfriend, but has spent so many years being shut it an abused by his mother that he lacks many social skills and has a hard time letting people into his life. He met his boyfriend first as a sort of enemy, he used to get teased by him until his boyfriend admitted that the only reason he made fun of him like that was because he liked him and that he wanted to start over, but a couple years later Matthew finally lets him close enough to pursue a relationship with him 

Then we got Mason,, another OC I've had for a long time! 

Then we got Mason,, another OC I've had for a long time! 

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Mason had a relatively good life.. until he didn't... 

His parents are overworked often and they used to argue everytime they came home, but over the years their marriage had started to heal and they've learned to appreciate each other more. Meanwhile Mason has been bullied by kids his age for his long time, and if they ever stopped bullying him for something they'd always find something new to pick on him for. Be it his albinism, his short stature, or his sexuality. One day a long time bully of his takes it way too far and beats Mason so badly it results in him splitting open right eye and though Mason could easily have his parents pay for some sort of eye replacement it's all very complex and risky so Instead he just decides to live without it, that being why he'll why and eyepatch or a bandage over his eyes whenever he can. 

But it's not all bad because after that terrible incident his parents send him to a new school where he begins friends with two other social rejects, an insomniac named Brandon and a hot headed bully named Ken, it isn't until his junior year when he meets his boyfriend Joshua only for Joshua to have to go study abroad in England, but their relationship maintains well over a long distance! 

And then finally there's Kimira  :) 

And then finally there's Kimira  :) 

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ready for his epic backstory...? 

... you sure??

he has anxiety. 

that's it... 

Nah, I'm just playing! There is more but this chapter is already super long so I'll just mention it some other time :) 

till next time lads (😳and if y'all actually had the strength to read all this mindless drabble I applaud y'all 👏👏) 

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