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"I will not marry some girl I don't even know!"

"My word is final, Varian!"

"No! It's not fair, I-"

"Varian." his cousin Eugene interrupted. "Perhaps, you should listen to him."

"What? You're on his side too?"

"We're not choosing sides. We just want what's best for you." Eugene's fiancee, Rapunzel said.

"I know what's best for me. And it's not this." Varian growled.

"If I let you choose a wife, you'd pick one of the villagers!" bellowed Quirin.

"So what?! There's nothing wrong with villagers. Uncle Hector married one!"

"Don't drag me into this!" Hector shouted from another room.

"Just give her a chance, son."

After an intense staring contest, Varian caved. "Fine. One chance. I'll give her two months. If I still don't love her by then, the marriage is OFF. You hear me?"

Quirin nodded, though he had no intention of following it. This marriage needed to happen.

Varian stormed out of the room, muttering curses under his breath.

They thought the worst was over. Little did they know, it had barely begun.

A/N Updates won't be too frequent because of the Wattys

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